Frownland |
12-18-2018 12:42 AM |
Caught a great student (I assume, at least) performance of Reich's Come Out and Music for 18 Musicians as well as back to back performances of Léonin and Pérotin's versions of Virudent Omnes. Good enough size for a concert hall, but also more intimate than normal despite every seat in the venue being taken. Had a seat slightly above the stage and right in center which was dope as ****. For Come Out, they turned out the lights and played it. They panned the tapes using speakers on each side of the room which made the distinction in the phase more noticeable than when I listen to it at home. I didn't expect it to be anywhere near as disconcerting as it was, I honestly thought I might get bored by that one because a lack of performer involvement, but I was blown away. The Léonin/Perótin performance was with 4 male vocalists, a vielle, and bells. Their lead lacked confidence or had poor voice control or something in a noticeable way, so ironically my favourite part of these pieces known for polyphony were the parts where they were singing in unison. The Music for 18 Musicians performance was bold and hypnotic and mind blowing, which is to be expected. They used keyboards instead of pianos and I definitely counted 20 musicians playing at one point, but I can let that slide because of the stunning performance. I guess.