Mindy |
12-10-2018 11:33 AM |
giving a presentation tomorrow on MasterCAM ,G-Code,CNC Machining, and just all about it from a high above view. Not getting into the details because I honestly have never did any of it so I cant say im some expert on it. within time thou :) im going over my powerpoint 10 times, i feel like that will be enough, and then maybe once and twice tomorrow early in the moring. doing it 2 times, waiting an hour, 2 more times, waiting an hour, another 2 times. 5 times equals 10 times. thats how i work out too. did all my mssc work today too, got everything correct. 283 questions, fully memorized. :cool: got a death threat this morning but dudes probably trolling :o: its about posting that tech video "brain hacking" its on youtube for dag namit.
just have to memorize these flashcards for the powerpoint, watch the last 30 mins of its a wonderful life and get that finished because that, and the computer class final will be the hardest :o: so far 3/4 into the movie exactly, this whole "point out the Race and stereostypes" is going to be the most difficult thing of the semester, at least for me. its a 4 part essay and one part is the plot. ill write the most stuff :)
next semester is english 101 :yikes: i BARELY got into the college on the english part of the entrance exam. well shoot, yall here can attest to my horrible writing and english from typing here everyday :o:
im going to learn it though and improve :)