Mindy |
11-27-2018 04:13 PM |
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 2018752)
Went to the DMV for an appointment that I made in June. Shot the **** with some tweaker lady while I waited who told me about Ukraine before she came to America. I think. She was hard to understand with all of those missing teeth. Went on the train later and almost missed it because it was a later train than I usually take and I misread the schedule. Made it though. Went to the store for some lettuce for my lunch and I guess that someone shat all over the romaine again because the whole salad section was stripped dry. I could give a **** about some e coli dude, I just wanna eat healthy. Grabbed a beer at this place next door to the store and ate some of their terrible terrible chicken alfredo. Thank god it was cheap because yuck dude. This car blew through a red light and almost hit me on my way home. When I got home, grabbed a beer and a water then went to my room. I was setting my coat down when I dropped my beer. Usually when I drop a beer it'll just bounce and puncture in one small spot, but it hit my dresser right on the side of the can and exploded. I grabbed it before it entirely spilled out all over my **** and shotgunned it because party bro. Then I masturbated to the thought of elphenor failing at his speech before heading to the other room play guitar for about 30 minutes and goddamn was that a good jam. Grabbed another beer and heated up some of the chicken alfredo that I took home.
i thought of elph this morning when the professor said we had to do a presentation for that class. i just did one for another :o: and frownland, that tweaker was a CIA operative, did you listen closely? :cool: sucks about lunch because the alfredo at the olive garden is fine for me on the go. i dont eat at busy places, gotta get "ta go".seems like your day was good since you smashed the beer on your head, ouchy :)
my day was nice, got to computer app class and got a 95% on the assignment, then assigned another one. :cool: talked with another veteran who was intel for 37 years :yikes: real nice dude, hes in two of my classes. then drove home and did the homework that the cnc class gave out because they gave out more then normal also. now its on to mac n cheese with chipotle seasoning, and then carrots for munchies. no apples :( i have a can of pineapples if the carrots arnt enough. well i dont plan on leaving, so it has to be a enough :)