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Plankton 11-23-2018 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 2017741)
I know you didn't draw this cause:
  1. The penmanship is wonky.
  2. The near-miss-misspelling of "Thanksgiving." Notice how after "THAN" the "K" is superimposed over the "S."
  3. There are fingernails are missing on a few fingers.
  4. In conclusion: you are way too perfect to do any of those aforementioned mindless blunders.

I rest my case.

I'm far from anything that resembles being perfect. I've been to prison and was out of my mind on drugs for many, many years, not to mention a few other things. But thank you. I'm still taking credit for all the work I put into copy and pasting the link.

Mindy 11-23-2018 09:39 AM

woke up early and went to aldi's and Target to buy food. apples and carrots :) target was PACKED! but i didnt even have to wait in line since they have a nice self-checkout area. now im learning this weeks key terms for my communications class and its getting tough because im on week 12 now and its been 30+ words each week. brain memory starting to go low but im just going to go harder because it'll be a nice winter break and switch to different classes. im going to study during this Iowa football game at noon. the class with the words has a app that you can study with, i make a quizlet for it too. in the middle of the first time through now. i normally go through the quizlet 7-8 times before i take the quiz for the week. plus i bought my favorite things since its the first day of eating from the store, honey crisp apples and chipotle mac n cheese with chicken and bread crumbs on top .woot....wooooottttttt :cool:

go Hawkeyes!

windsock 11-23-2018 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2017775)
It's so poorly drawn that it's hard to tell.

You take that back right now.

The Batlord 11-23-2018 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2017781)
Letting people jump you in line sets a bad example for the girl.

And the racists are the cowards who are afraid of their blackness

White kids jump in line and people pipe up
Black kids jump in line and people clam up

Black or white kids jump in front of merit and he treats them the same

Opposite of racism

I think it would be more harmful to the girl to see her uncle getting beaten down in a department store while she looks on in horror. It would probably be even more harmful if she were to try to intervene and get beaten down herself. These are things a responsible guardian should probably think about before going full retard.

The Batlord 11-23-2018 01:30 PM

Today I did a legit good thing for somebody and I think it's kinda making me feel worse cause I don't know how to properly integrate the experience into my mind and that's oddly stressful.

FETCHER. 11-23-2018 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2017429)
I mean I don't know at what economic level paid maternity leave becomes common but there aren't laws guaranteeing it so lower income jobs don't give it as a very hard rule. They'll give you very very limited time off for it but it won't be paid. I'm sure my co-worker could have taken off longer but she makes not very much over minimum wage so every day she takes off is highly meaningful. She put up a brave front all throughout her pregnancy like she just doesn't like not working but I highly doubt she wasn't just covering for it being necessary to work every day possible.


Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 2017430)
Hi, Fetch - welcome back! The U.S. is the only industrialized nation that does not mandate companies to provide paid parental leave -- only New York, New Jersey, California, Rhode Island, Washington and the District of Columbia have passed paid family leave laws -- otherwise, it's up to individual companies to voluntarily set their own paid parental leave policy.

It's awful this woman had to return to work so soon after a C-section, which is major surgery. Especially if she is lifting anything on the job (absolutely no lifting should be done from 4-6 weeks after a C-section).


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2017525)
Dude - service industry jobs, which make up most of our work force, generally have no paid time of for anything. Not for childbirth. Not for the death of your child. Not if you’re diagnosed with cancer. Not if you’re dying from a disease. There’s ****ing nothing. And employers shamelessly work people literally to death. I work with a guy who has blood leaking into the joints of his hips. He’s in agony. He can’t afford surgery and wobbles around work everyday carrying big bags of flour and breading around. He’s been there for years so he asked if he could do less physical stuff like inventory. Nope. Carry these 50 lbs bags around all day or lose your job. It’s like that all over. I mean, he’s exhausted, can’t sleep from the pain, trying to remain in recovery from opioid addiction, has been loyal to the company for years and they show more kindness to the machinery. I am NOT being hyperbolic. It is like that.

That is honestly shocking. I thought it was be pretty similar to over here where it would be law. I’m so baffled. What a poor show from the employers. Cheapskate ****s.


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 2017579)
I had surgery on Tuesday so I haven’t left my bedroom area since then. My big travel plans for Thanksgiving are seeing if I can walk downstairs and eat dinner at an actual table.

Hope you’re feeling better soon Jans :).

[MERIT] 11-23-2018 02:57 PM

Some of you guys are ridiculous. "Don't go full retard Rosa Parks, it's just a f*cking bus seat. Don't want your grandkids to see you stand up for yourself. It sets a bad example for the other slaves."

*Cue froundland: blerp da bler . . . well actually, the civil rights era came after slav . . . blerp da bler*


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2017781)
Black or white kids jump in front of merit and he treats them the same

Opposite of racism

You're goddamn right.


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2017776)
So in other words you were unable to control your temper while dealing with a group of *******s while you were supposed to be keeping a 14-year-old girl safe. If you want to act like an emotionally unstable moron then don't agree to look after children.

A group of what?


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2017779)
He's also racist.

Don't worry Mordechai, they were Goyim.

The Batlord 11-23-2018 03:05 PM

If Rosa Parks had had her niece with her then it might very well have been irresponsible of her to antagonize a bunch of white people, especially if those white people started threatening violence. And I think it speaks volumes about your mentality that you're comparing yourself to Rosa ****ing Parks.

[MERIT] 11-23-2018 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2017866)
If Rosa Parks had had her niece with her then it might very well have been irresponsible of her to antagonize a bunch of white people, especially if those white people started threatening violence. And I think it speaks volumes about your mentality that you're comparing yourself to Rosa ****ing Parks.

It was a joke. Clearly. Paint me however you want, just get my order right the next time I come through your drivethrough.

EDIT: I had been Black Friday shopping for like 4 hours at that point. And in line at a f*cking Victoria's Secret for over half an hour for my niece to buy ONE goddamn item, that she will probably never wear [after waiting almost an hour for her to pick it out]. I don't care if it WAS Rosa Parks trying to cut in front of me. Bitch can catch these hands too.

The Batlord 11-23-2018 03:19 PM


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