OccultHawk |
11-17-2018 12:57 PM |
I had a little bit of a weird morning. I felt so anxious after I woke up that I actually started crying. Didn’t understand what was causing it. I decided instead of bringing my weed to work I’d just get a little extra high during my wake and bake. Predictably, I got the weed creepies like hell walking to work. My heart didn’t start racing but I could feel it picking up. The restaurant was unlocked but the other early preppers weren’t around so I was alone. Finally my mood just flipped. I was dancing around cutting up the fish. Like really super happy. Then I leveled out. It was the song “Car Wash” that put me in a good mood. Then I spaced out on Death and Deicide and Burzum. Then I switched gears and listened to the Cure and the Smiths. Listened to college football walking home. I don’t have any bets going so it’s like whatever. Just kind of enjoy listening to games sometimes.