MicShazam |
11-02-2018 11:35 AM |
Originally Posted by [MERIT]
(Post 2011081)
I agree that group projects are bullsh*t. When you are paying thousands of dollars for your education toward a degree, the fate of your project should not be out of your control.
The university in my town (which I graduated from) is practically internationally renowned for valuing group work. The thing is, that learning to work with other people is the hard part. Of course, exams take this in to account and grades group members individually. I think it works pretty well, but I did make sure to do my master thesis alone, even though it was allowed to form groups.
Originally Posted by 66Sexy
(Post 2011196)
You act like you're not butthurt and yet you make a point to support every joke at my expense. Bruh you're a butthurt alt right goon who hates muslims.
Lay off my buddy, please. You're both great guys and I don't wanna see you fighting. I see how you've got your doubts about Fluff, but I think you're laying it on pretty damn thick for as little as you've got to go on. Leave the bickering to people who hate Frown. You two should open a beer and drink it in mutual respect.
Originally Posted by [MERIT]
(Post 2011252)
Dude said "meat curtains" like 4 pages back. That's what's up.
I feel conflicted. It's such a crude word and I feel like it's disrespectful to women. But I also feel all warm and fuzzy inside, because I like women with meat curtains :love::love::love: