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#56261 (permalink) | |||
Account Disabled
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Then don't bitch at me about not tipping for shitty service. Quote:
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#56262 (permalink) |
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: East of the Southern North American West
Posts: 35,541
"Who's he talking to?" Gene says, and Karen doesn't look up.
"0h," she says. "It's probably just Bubba." Bubba is Frankie's imaginary playmate. Gene nods. He goes to the window and looks out. Frankie is pretending to shoot at something, his thumb and forefinger cocked into a gun. "Get him! Get him!" Frankie shouts, and Gene stares out as Frankie dodges behind a tree. Frankie looks nothing like DJ, but when he pokes his head from behind the hanging foliage of the willow, Gene feels a little shudder-a flicker, something. He clenches his jaw. "This class is really driving me crazy," Karen says. "Every time I read about a worst-case scenario, I start to worry. It's strange. The more you know, the less sure you are of anything." "What did the doctor say this time?" Gene says. He shifts uncomfortably, still staring out at Frankie, and it seems as if dark specks circle and bob at the corner of the yard. "He seems okay?" Karen shrugs. "As far as they can tell." She looks down at her textbook, shaking her head. "He seems healthy." He puts his hand gently on the back of her neck and she lolls her head back and forth against his fingers. "I've never believed that anything really terrible could happen to me," she once told him, early in their marriage, and it had scared him. "Don't say that," he'd whispered, and she laughed. "You're superstitious," she said. "That's cute." He can't sleep. The strange presentiment that Mandy and D Jare dead has lodged heavily in his mind, and he rubs his feet together underneath the covers, trying to find a comfortable posture. He can hear the soft ticks of the old electric typewriter as Karen finishes her paper for school, words rattling out in bursts that remind him of some sort of insect language. He closes his eyes, pretending to be asleep when Karen finally comes to bed, but his mind is ticking with small, scuttling images: his former wife and son, flashes of the photographs he doesn't own, hasn't kept. They're dead, a firm voice in his mind says, very distinctly. They were in afire. And they hurned up. It is not quite his own voice that speaks to him, and abruptly he can picture the burning house. It's a trailer, somewhere on the outskirts of a small town, and the black smoke is pouring out the open door. The plastic window frames have warped and begun to melt, and the smoke billows from the trailer into the sky in a way that reminds him of an old locomotive. He can't see inside, except for crackling bursts of deep-orange flames, but he's aware that they're in there. For a second he can see Drs face, flickering, peering steadily from the window of the burning trailer, his mouth open in a unnatural circle, as if he's singing. He opens his eyes. Karen's breathing has steadied, she's sound asleep, and he carefully gets out of bed, padding restlessly through the house in his pajamas. They're not dead, he tries to tell himself, and stands in front of the refrigerator, pouring milk from the carton into his mouth. It's an old comfort, from back in the days when he was drying out, when the thick taste of milk would slightly calm his craving for a drink. But it doesn't help him now. The dream, the vision, has frightened him badly, and he sits on the couch with an afghan over his shoulders, staring at some science program on television. On the program, a lady scientist is examining a mummy. A child. The thing is bald-almost a skull but not quite. A membrane of ancient skin is pulled taut over the eye sockets. The lips are stretched back, and there are small, chipped, rodentlike teeth. Looking at the thing, he can't help but think of DJ again, and he looks over his shoulder, quickly, the way he used to. The last year that he was together with Mandy, there used to be times when D Jwould actually give him the creeps-spook him. D J had been an unusually skinny child, with a head like a baby bird and long, bony feet, with toes that seemed strangely ex* tended, as if they were meant for gripping. He can remember the way the child would slip barefoot through rooms, slinking, sneaking, watching, Gene had thought, always watching him. It is a memory that he has almost succeeded in forgetting, a memory he hates and mistrusts. He was drinking heavily at the time, and he knows that alcohol grotesquely distorted his perceptions. But now that it has been dislodged, that old feeling moves through him like a breath of smoke. Back then, it had seemed to him that Mandy had turned D] against him, that D] had in some strange way almost physically transformed into something that wasn't Gene's real son. Gene can remember how, sometimes, he would be sitting on the couch, watching TV, and he'd get a funny feeling. He'd turn his head and D] would be at the edge of the room, with his bony spine hunched and his long neck craned, staring with those strangely oversize eyes. Other times, Gene and Mandy would be arguing and D] would suddenly slide into the room, creeping up to Mandy and resting his head on her chest, right in the middle of some important talk. "I'm thirsty," he would say, in imitation baby-talk. Though he was five years old, he would playact this little toddler voice. "Mama," he would say. "I is firsty." And Drs eyes would rest on Gene for a moment, cold and full of calculating hatred. Of course, Gene knows now that this was not the reality of it. He knows: He was a drunk, and D] was just a sad, scared little kid, trying to deal with a rotten situation. Later, when he was in detox, these memories of his son made him actually shudder with shame, and it was not something he could bring himself to talk about even when he was deep into his twelve steps. How could he say how repulsed he'd been by the child, how actually frightened he was. Jesus Christ-D] was a poor wretched five-year-old kid! But in Gene's memory there was something malevolent about him, resting his head pettishly on his mother's chest, talking in that singsong, lisping voice, staring hard and unblinking at Gene with a little smile. Gene remembers catching D] by the back of the neck. "If you're going to talk, talk normal," Gene had whispered through his teeth, and tightened his fingers. "You're not a baby. You're not fooling anybody." And D] had actually bared his teeth, making a thin, hissing whine. He wakes and he can't breathe. There is a swimming, suffocating sensation of being stared at, being watched by something that hates him, and he gasps, choking for air. A lady is bending over him, and for a moment he expects her to say: "You're very lucky, young man. You should be dead." But it's Karen. "What are you doing?" she says. It's morning, and he struggles to orient himself-he's on the living room floor, and the television is still going. "]esus," he says, and coughs. "Oh, ]esus." He is sweating, his face feels hot, but he tries to calm himself in the face of Karen's horrified stare. "A bad dream," he says, trying to control his panting breaths. "]esus," he says, and shakes his head, trying to smile reassuringly for her. "I got up last night and I couldn't sleep. I must have passed out while I was watching TV." But Karen just gazes at him, her expression frightened and uncertain, as if something about him is transforming. "Gene," she says. "Are you all right?" "Sure," he says hoarsely, and a shudder passes over him invol* untarily. "of course." And then he realizes that he is naked. He sits up, covering his crotch self-consciously with his hands, and glances around. He doesn't see his underwear or his pajama bottoms anywhere nearby. He doesn't even see the afghan, which he'd had draped over him on the couch while he was watching the mummies on TV. He starts to stand up, awkwardly, and he notices that Frankie is standing there in the archway between the kitchen and the living room, watching him, his arms at his sides like a cowboy who is ready to draw his holstered guns. "Mom?" Frankie says. "I'm thirsty." He drives through his deliveries in a daze. The bees, he thinks. He remembers what Frankie said a few mornings before, about bees inside his head, buzzing and bumping against the inside of his forehead like a windowpane they were tapping against. That's the feeling he has now. All the things that he doesn't quite remember are circling and alighting, vibrating their cellophane wings insistently. He sees himself striking Mandy across the face with the flat of his hand, knocking her off her chair; he sees his grip tightening around the back of DJ's thin five-year-old neck, shaking him as he grimaced and wept; and he is aware that there are other things, perhaps even worse, if he thought about it hard enough. All the things he's prayed that Karen would never know about him. He was very drunk on the day that he left them, so drunk that he can barely remember. It is hard to believe that he made it all the way to Des Moines on the interstate before he went off the road, tumbling end over end, into darkness. He was laughing, he thinks, as the car crumpled around him, and he has to pull his van over to the side of the road, out of fear, as the tickling in his head intensifies. There is an image of Mandy, sitting on the couch as he stormed out, with D Jcradled in her arms, one of DJ's eyes swollen shut and puffy. There is an image of him in the kitchen, throwing glasses and beer bottles onto the floor, listening to them shatter. And whether they are dead or not, he knows that they don't wish him well. They would not want him to be happy-in love with his wife and child. His normal, undeserved life. When he gets home that night, he feels exhausted. He doesn't want to think anymore, and for a moment, it seems that he will be allowed a small reprieve. Frankie is in the yard, playing contentedly. Karen is in the kitchen, making hamburgers and corn on the cob, and everything seems okay. But when he sits down to take off his boots, she gives him an angry look. "Don't do that in the kitchen," she says icily. "please. I've asked you before." He looks down at his feet: one shoe unlaced, half off. "Oh," he says. "Sorry." But when he retreats to the living room, to his recliner, she follows him. She leans against the door frame, her arms folded, watching as he releases his tired feet from the boots and rubs his hand over the bottoms of his socks. She frowns heavily. "What?" he says, and tries on an uncertain smile. She sighs. "We need to talk about last night," she says. "I need to know what's going on." "Nothing," he says, but the stern way she examines him activates his anxieties all over again. "I couldn't sleep, so 1 went out to the living room to watch TV. That's all." She stares at him. "Gene," she says after a moment. "People don't usually wake up naked on their living room floor, and not know how they got there. That's just weird, don't you think?" Ok, please, he thinks. He lifts his hands, shrugging-a posture of innocence and exasperation, though his insides are trembling. "I know," he says. "It was weird to me, too. 1 was having nightmares. I really don't know what happened." She gazes at him for a long time, her eyes heavy. "I see," she says, and he can feel the emanation of her disappointment like waves of heat. "Gene," she says. "All I'm asking is for you to be honest with me. If you're having problems, if you're drinking again, or thinking about it. 1 want to help. We can work it out. But you have to be honest with me." "I'm not drinking," Gene says firmly. He holds her eyes. "I'm not thinking about it. I told you when we met, I'm through with it. Really." But he is aware again of an observant, unfriendly presence, hidden, moving along the edge of the room. "I don't understand," he says. "What is it? Why would you think I'd lie to you?" She shifts, still trying to read something in his face, still, he can tell, doubting him. "Listen," she says, at last, and he can tell she is trying not to cry. "Some guy called you today. A drunk guy. And he said to tell you that he had a good time hanging out with you last night, and that he was looking forward to seeing you again soon." She frowns hard, staring at him as if this last bit of damning information will show him for the liar he is. A tear slips out of the corner of her eye and along the bridge of her nose. Gene feels his chest tighten. "That's crazy," he says. He tries to sound outraged, but he is in fact suddenly very frightened. "Who was it?" She shakes her head sorrowfully. "I don't know," she says. "Something with a 'B: He was slurring so bad I could hardly understand him. BB or BJ or ..." Gene can feel the small hairs on his back prickling. "Was it DJ?" he says. And Karen shrugs, lifting a now-teary face to him. "I don't know!" she says hoarsely. "I don't know. Maybe." And Gene puts his palms across his face. He is aware of that strange buzzing, tickling feeling behind his forehead. "who is DJ?" Karen says. "Gene, you have to tell me what's . gomg on. " But he can't. He can't tell her, even now. Especially now, he thinks, when to admit that he'd been lying to her ever since they met would confirm all the fears and suspicions she'd been nursing for-what?--days? weeks? "He's someone I used to know a long time ago," Gene tells her. "Not a good person. He's the kind of guy who might ... call up, and get a kick out of upsetting you." They sit at the kitchen table, silently watching as Frankie eats his hamburger and corn on the cob. Gene can't quite get his mind around it. D J, he thinks, as he presses his finger against his hamburger bun, but doesn't pick it up. DJ. He would be fifteen by now. Could he, perhaps, have found them? Maybe stalking them? Watching the house? Gene tries to fathom how D J might have 24 Stay Awake 25 been causing Frankie's screaming episodes. How he might have caused what happened last night-snuck up on Gene while he was sitting there watching TV and drugged him or something. It seems farfetched. "Maybe it was just some random drunk," he says at last to Karen. "Accidentally calling the house. He didn't ask for me by name, did he?" "1 don't remember," Karen says. "Gene ..." And he can't stand the doubtfulness, the lack of trust in her expression. He strikes his fist hard against the table, and his plate clatters in a circling echo. "1 did not go out with anybody last night!" he says. "I did not get drunk! You can either believe me, or you can ..."
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth. |
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#56263 (permalink) |
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: East of the Southern North American West
Posts: 35,541
They are both staring at him. Frankie's eyes are wide, and he
puts down the corncob he was about to bite into, as if he doesn't like it anymore. Karen's mouth is pinched. "Or 1 can what?" she says. "Nothing," Gene breathes. There isn't a fight, but a chill spreads through the house, a silence. She knows that he isn't telling her the truth. She knows that there's more to it. But what can he say? He stands at the sink, gently washing the dishes as Karen bathes Frankie and puts him to bed. He waits, listening to the small sounds of the house at night. Outside, in the yard, there is the swing set, and the willow tree--silver-gray and stark in the security light that hangs above the garage. He waits for a while longer, watching, half expecting to see DJ emerge from behind the tree as he'd done in Gene's dream, creeping along, his bony, hunched back, the skin pulled tight against the skull of his oversize head. There is that smothering, airless feeling of being watched, and Gene's hands are trembling as he rinses a plate under the tap. When he goes upstairs at last, Karen is already in her nightgown, in bed, reading a book. "Karen," he says, and she flips a page, deliberately. "1 don't want to talk to you until you're ready to tell me the truth," she says. She doesn't look at him. "You can sleep on the couch, if you don't mind." "Just tell me," Gene says. "Did he leave a number? To call him back?" "No," Karen says. She doesn't look at him. "He just said he'd see you soon." He thinks that he will stay up all night. He doesn't even wash up, or brush his teeth, or get into his bedtime clothes. He just sits there on the couch, in his uniform and stocking feet, watching television with the sound turned low, listening. Midnight. One A.M. He goes upstairs to check on Frankie, but everything is okay. Frankie is asleep with his mouth open, the covers thrown off. Gene stands in the doorway, alert for movement, but everything seems to be in place. Frankie's turtle sits motionless on its rock, the books are lined up in neat rows, the toys put away. Frankie's face tightens and untightens as he dreams. Two A.M. Back on the couch, Gene startles, half-asleep as an ambulance passes in the distance, and then there is only the sound of crickets and cicadas. Awake for a moment, he blinks heavily at a rerun of Bewitched, and flips through channels. Here is some jewelry for sale. Here is someone performing an autopsy. In the dream, DJ is older. He looks to be nineteen or twenty, and he walks into a bar where Gene is hunched on a stool, sipping a glass of beer. Gene recognizes him right away-his posture, those thin shoulders, those large eyes. But now, Drs arms are long and muscular, tattooed. There is a hooded, unpleasant look on his face as he ambles up to the bar, pressing in next to Gene. D J orders a shot of Jim Beam-Gene's old favorite. "I've been thinking about you a lot, ever since I died," DJ murmurs. He doesn't look at Gene as he says this, but Gene knows who he is talking to, and his hands are shaky as he takes a sip of beer. "I've been looking for you for a long time," DJ murmurs, and the air is hot and thick. Gene puts a trembly cigarette to his mouth and breathes on it, choking on the taste. He wants to say, I'm sorry. Forgiye me. But he can't breathe. DJ shows his small, crooked teeth, staring at Gene as he gulps for air. "I know how to hurt you," D J whispers. Gene opens his eyes, and the room is full of smoke. He sits up, disoriented: For a second he is still in the bar with DJ before he realizes that he's in his own house. There is a fire somewhere: He can hear it. People say that fire "crackles," but in fact it seems like the amplified sound of tiny creatures eating, little wet mandibles, thousands and thousands of them, and then a heavy, whispered wkoofas the fire finds another pocket of oxygen. He can hear this, even as he chokes blindly in the smoky air. The living room has a filmy haze over it, as if it is atomizing, fading away, and when he tries to stand up it disappears completely. There is a thick membrane of smoke above him, and he drops again to his hands and knees, gagging and coughing, a thin line of vomit trickling onto the rug in front of the still-chattering television. He has the presence of mind to keep low, crawling on his knees and elbows underneath the thick, billowing fumes. "Karen!" he calls. "Frankie!" but his voice is swallowed into the white noise of diligently licking flame. "Ach," he chokes, meaning to utter their names. When he reaches the edge of the stairs he sees only flames and darkness above him. He puts his hands and knees on the bottom steps, but the heat pushes him back. He feels one of Frankie's action figures underneath his palm, the melting plastic adhering to his skin, and he shakes it away as another bright burst of flame reaches out of Frankie's bedroom for a moment. At the top of the stairs, through the curling fog he can see the figure of a child watching him grimly, hunched there, its face lit and flickering. Gene cries out, lunging into the heat, crawling his way up the stairs, to where the bedrooms are. He tries to call to them again, but instead, he vomits. There is another burst that covers the image that he thinks is a child. He can feel his hair and eyebrows shrinking and sizzling against his skin as the upstairs breathes out a concussion of sparks. He is aware that there are hot, floating bits of substance in the air, glowing orange and then winking out, turning to ash. For some reason he thinks of bees. The air thick with angry buzzing, and that is all he can hear as he slips, turning end over end down the stairs, the humming and his own voice, a long vowel wheeling and echoing as the house spins into a blur. And then he is lying on the grass. Red lights tick across his opened eyes in a steady, circling rhythm, and a woman, a paramedic, lifts her lips up from his. He draws in a long, desperate breath. "Shhh," she says softly, and passes her hand along his eyes. "Don't look," she says. But he does. He sees, off to the side, the long black plastic sleeping bag, with a strand of Karen's blond hair hanging out from the top. He sees the blackened, shriveled body of a child, curled into a fetal position. They place the corpse into the spread, zippered plastic opening of the body bag, and he can see the mouth, frozen, calcified, into an oval. A scream. Think about it.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth. |
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#56265 (permalink) | |||
Zum Henker Defätist!!
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beating GNR at DDR and keying Axl's new car
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#56266 (permalink) | |
Zum Henker Defätist!!
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beating GNR at DDR and keying Axl's new car
Posts: 48,199
Definitely not reading all that.
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#56267 (permalink) |
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: East of the Southern North American West
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Well basically, Gene can't escape who he is.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth. |
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#56268 (permalink) |
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: East of the Southern North American West
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I will because it's exciting. What kind of setup are you using?
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth. |
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#56269 (permalink) |
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If they aren't skilled enough to bring a fucking drink and plate to a table properly, then they don't deserve to be paid a living wage or compensated extra by me. My aunt owns a restaurant. She lets her grandkids chip in so they can earn extra money. I have nieces that are like 10 who can do their job better than these people.
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#56270 (permalink) | ||
Zum Henker Defätist!!
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beating GNR at DDR and keying Axl's new car
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