adidasss |
03-03-2006 10:23 AM |
Originally Posted by right-track
:clap: About fucking time to!
I know how hard that must have been for you mate and now you've done it, I'm well pleased.
In fact you've left me speechless...what with that and the trip to the the same week!
Seriously, you have my respect. :D
You've taken a massive step forward mate...don't look back.
thanks mate...:) it seems very much surreal, when you've kept that a secret and burried it deep inside for so long ( self protection was a big reason for that ), it being out is a lot to take....( that's for big 3 too )...i was very much frightened at what her reaction was going to be, if she had reacted poorly, if she hadn't said those magical little words "you're my bro and my best friend, of course i'm cool with it" ( to which my eyes started to water of course...every time i read it meant the world to me.....s i go again... ), i don't know what i would have done.....
i tell ya, i was staring at that send button last night for 5 minutes, finally i just used the good ol' bandage method, do it quickly and don't think about it much, if you over think it, you'll never do it. of course, once i sent the message i was going " oh f uck...." and then this morning when i heard that incoming message sound, my heart stopped....
we're still talking about it ( through messages ), we'll talk about it tonight, no doubt it was a lot for her to take in, that's why i told her via a text message, so i don't put her on the spot and she has time to take it all in....( plus, it was all the strenght i could muster up )
and thanks billy, i've been listening to soft music all day ( bloc party, soft songs ), keep my mind off things, it actually made me feel music to do that....:)