jibber |
03-19-2007 11:01 PM |
ahh, st patties day is beinging to be pieced together. I woke up the morning after when my phone screamed at me to answer a text message. Someone was apparently very thankful that I'd helped them out the night before, then i remember holding a guy's hair back for him. kids these days, dont know their limits. Numerous pictures of the lucky care bear i'd bought at value village showed up all over my friend's pages, yet no one seems to know where he got to. I also remembered the street sign to a MAJOR road in the city showing up a few hours into the party. I was sent a video of mine and a few other's first drinks of the night, mmm jello shots, and then remembered the jello shot i did out of one of those rediculously large martini glasses. another video showed my buddy claiming that "green beer and pregnancy go hand in hand", among with other amuing st patties day themed ramblings, and then an extensive apology for wha had already happened, and what would happen later on in the party. I got an email thanking me for cleaning up the living room floor after some kid puked all over it, and heard a story about how a guy I know got forced into the basement and shut up in a closet when a cop van showed up because some guys thought he was under 18, he's 23, just very, VERY small. I gather the cops were called for a combination of noise complaints and reports that various people were using neighboorhood cars as toilets. all in all, a very amusing and entertaining night.
i also have a new favorite saying from that night, in reference to anything that you are particularly fond of:
"i'm loving it! loving it up the anus"