Chula Vista |
07-31-2018 07:18 PM |
So, right before bed last night I check FB and find a post by Linda that she fell and broke her arm in 2 places. Hop in the car and head right over to her place - got here at 1:00AM. Seems she was walking both dogs at once and was headed down some steps when the dogs spotted a friend of theres and bolted, yanking her down the stairs and right on her shoulder. She also got dragged a bit and has road rash all over her arm. She went to urgent care and they gave her a refferal to an orthopedic surgeon. We spent 4 hours a Scripps today getting more detailed xrays and other testing more nerve damage, concussion, etc.
She actual broke her shoulder (upper humerous bone) in two places. Fortunately there's no other damage and as of now, no surgery will be needed. She has to go back in two weeks for more xrays to check how the healing is going.
I'll be staying here to help her out for at least that long She's sleeping in a lounge chair cause it's the only way she can get comfy. Neighbors are keeping an eye on my place during that time.
Throughout the day the bruising just kept getting worse and worse and now her shoulder and upper arm are a green and purple mess.