Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 1943315)
He ate his dinner supplemented with two cold scrambled eggs. He ate an hour ago and has kept it down so far. He’s had a sensitive tummy for a long time. The vet said like five years ago that he was on the brink of shutting down from kidney and liver failure but he keeps on keeping on. He’s basically the same energywise. He’s an old mellow dude. I love him and I’ll max out all my cards to keep him healthy, already spent well over two grand, but Father Time is undefeated. I’m keenly aware of his mortality. I was talking to him earlier about death. I told him he’ll probably go first but I’ll be dead soon enough as well. At that point we’ll be even.
My boy has a sensitive stomach as well, he's only 5 so haven't had any big scares but I'm the same way, I'll go broke making sure he's happy and healthy lol. If he's still eating and drinking and not lethargic I wouldn't worry too much about the vomiting, you're right to give it 24 hours.