Lucem Ferre |
04-08-2018 11:27 PM |
Went to the bar n' grill. Asked this idiot about his eye of Horus tattoo and had to listen to some really stupid explanation he had to try and make himself seem deep and thoughtful rather than just blatantly admit he thought it was cool. I'm fine with people getting tattoos just because they think it looks cool. My 'nihilist' if you can really call it that, out look on existence has me believing that you don't have to have a deeper meaning or thoughtful reason for anything because in the end that won't mean **** to anybody but you so if you want something just because it looks cool then ****ing do it. I mean, I appreciate things with really thoughtful meanings put into them, but I can appreciate things that are just bluntly cool with no other reason for existing other than it being cool.