The Batlord |
02-27-2018 01:50 PM |
I've mentioned this before, but I have a suspected sociopath I work with five to six days a week for my entire shift. She's phony as ****, makes up what I'm 90% sure is absolute bull****, talks about herself constantly, tries to make everyone like her all day everyday, but on a dime will turn on you and try to hurt you with whatever she can say if you get on her bad side. I might be misreading her, but I've dealt with enough people who give me the same vibe that I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. She's literally had a petty argument with a girl who at the time had a shiner given to her by her boyfriend and said, "And that's why your boyfriend gave you a black eye." And days afterward, when a manager was trying to get it through her skull that that was a ****ed up thing to say to another human being, told a most likely made up story about how she used to work at a battered women's shelter. Evil bitch afaic.
I have a ****ty temper and while I usually just ignore her **** and try to keep our work relationship level, sometimes we just butt heads and I will tell her to **** off in no uncertain terms. We clearly do not like each other and she's basically admitted to my face that she's trying to get me fired and I've admitted to her face that as the live in girlfriend of my boss's cousin she shouldn't even be working here.
And yet today she was going out of her way to a bizarre extent to tell me and everyone else at work that we were "BF's". Like, she used that phrase at least twenty/thirty/forty times and was just being the nicest person in the world to me like she was on amphetamines for absolutely no reason as if I was mentally deficient and had forgotten how many times we've exchanged profanity. The kind of **** that makes me think she's got a full-proof plan to get me fired and is laughing in my face or some other paranoid ****. It was honestly even more draining and unpleasant than having a shouting match.
I'd be far more worried if she wasn't quitting and going to Walmart in a week. Jesus Christ, I am counting the days before I get this psycho bitch out of my life!