Trollheart |
01-17-2018 10:16 AM |
****ign back problems can be awful, and stupid too. I suffer from intermittent problems - mostly twinges but they can get bad. Two times I recall are when I was getting ready to go to work, left the bathroom, turned off the light and next second literally felt like someone had twisted the two halves of my body in opposite directions. Barely made it back to my bed, fumbled for my phone (not without experiencing excruciating pain) and let them know I wouldn't be in that day. Nothing happened, no reason, no strain, no sudden movements, no heavy weights, yet there I was, like a turtle that couldn't turn over for hours and hours.
The other time was when Karen's new orthopaedic bed was just about to be delivered. Back went out suddenly and yet I still had to help the guy dismantle her old bed and assemble her new one, despite the pain I was in.
I feel for ya, Qwert. Try to rest on as flat a surface as you can. That always helps me. And try these too.