Back to the real world.
Linda left on 1/2. I spoke with her on 1/8. She pretty much said it's over and that there's nothing that either of us can do to salvage things. I hung up, ran to the bathroom, and threw up.
Little backstory.
As a mother and a father we had to deal with a solid 5 years of a very messed up adult child doing lots of self destructive, and family destructive ****. We fell right into the '
Karpman Drama Triangle' because Mike was so good at playing his mom.
The fact that she always chose his side of the triangle over mine for so long, even though the dude was ****ing us both over, destroyed the boyfriend/girlfriend aspect of our relationship.
He finally settled down and then all of the work **** hit the fan. More stress and finacial crap added on top like a frosting.
We were basically only staying together because we weren't in a financial position to do anything else. More roomates than husband and wife. She reached out to her brother in Tucson who offered her free room and board.
She took the plunge and ran away. She didn't even tell the kids. I have no ill will towards her. I completely understand why she had to take a shot of starting over being happy. (I haven't been happy for years either)
We've been keeping touch via IM and it's been very civil and caring. We'd both would still kill or die for each other. 38 years together will do that.
But this has to play out with no pressure. It's been less than 2 weeks. What will be, will be.
Life sucks sometimes.