Plankton |
11-10-2017 03:15 PM |
I just set up a new CAD station in our office and getting ready to do some interviews for a new CAD jockey. This time, I'm doing the interviews. The last couple of people our HR person decided to hire screwed up a lot of ****. I usually just start from scratch if I see any of their credentials on drawings I have to touch now days. Working in 3D is a hard concept for some people to grasp, not to mention understanding, knowing, and working with standard drafting principals. The funny part is all the resume's I'm getting from people that have no experience what so ever, but had used AutoCad for a week or maybe like (oh, I don't know) an hour in college. Hmmm, I see your only employment has been "Cashier at Target", and you have a degree in Psychology. Sure! You're qualified to design a fire training facility. Come on down, you can start right away. Some of these are pretty friggin comical. Do people even read the job description before pressing 'apply'? Probably not. Not looking forward to some of this, but I was reminded just how much I enjoy installing, setting up, and tweaking software.