10-16-2017 09:37 PM |
So, a good friend of mine [been tight for 15 years] is out partying Saturday night. I ask her to let me know when she makes it home safely, so that I won't worry. She messages me when she gets in, talking erratic. Saying she can't take life anymore, No one loves her, It's not worth it to live, She's in so much pain, etc. I call her and she is hysterical, saying that she is going to kill herself. I talk her down as much as I can, but she is still hysterical. Then she hangs up and won't answer her phone.
What would you do in this situation?
I don't have a vehicle and my son is fast asleep. I call 911 [emergency services] to have them do a wellness check on her. They aren't on the ball and take forever. So, I go banging on my neighbor's door [it's like 3 a.m.]. I've never even talked to my neighbors, but I know they have multiple vehicles and thought I might be able to get a ride. I'm fully expecting their door to open with a shotgun pointed at my head, and probably rightfully so, but it was an emergency. No answer from them. So I wake up my mom who lives like 20 miles away and talk her into coming to pick me up. So I have to wake my son up and get him dressed and we are waiting for my ride. Then my neighbor comes outside, super pissed at me for waking him up and, again, rightfully so. I explain myself as best as possible, but he's still mad.
My ride finally arrives and we get to my friend's house. The cops had already been there and she lied to them, saying she was fine. I finally get her to answer the door and she is pissed at me for calling the cops and for coming to her house so late. I offer to stay and talk with her, but she kicks me out.
So now my friend is mad at me, saying if the cops had held her that she could have lost her job and her kid and it would all have been my fault. My mom is mad at me for making her pick me up in the middle of the night for a ride. My neighbor is mad at me for waking his black ass up and banging on his door like the po-lice. The cops are mad at me for "abusing 911 services" and my son's mom is mad at me for dragging him out so late. So, fuck me, right?
TL;DR Tried to help a suicidal friend and now I'm the bad guy.