Lilja |
08-26-2017 02:33 AM |
I went with a group of my co-workers on a job-sponsered cruise around Stockholm's archipelego (räkkryssning). Next to the place where you board the boat was some tents sponsered by Silja cruises. I saw a large roulette wheel, figured they might have some free stuff, and got one of my co-workers to come with me to the tent before our boat left. In the tent was a large ball-pit and, if you found a white ball in the sea of green ones in an alloted time you got a free cruise.
Long story short, jumped in the pit and won a free cruise for myself and my family to Helsinki. My co-worker won one to Åbo, Finland. We ran back to our employer's cruise, met our group, and had a nice shrimp dinner.
Came home and my husband had fixed all the lights in the kitchen so that they worked properly.
It was a pretty good day :)