jibber |
01-06-2007 08:11 PM |
my skis were $830 at retail, bindings were about $300, pants and jacket were about $550, boots were about $475 (but i got a good deal on them), goggles and a new lense for them was $180, my helmet was actually about $180, and poles are cheap, like $30 cause i dont see the point in spending more than that (and the 50% off discount from work helps too).
so all in all, my basic ski gear cost me $2545, which doesnt include $750 for lift tickets, and the cost of all the stuff it takes just to maintain my skis; vice, file & guide, wax, ptex, iron, scrapers, brushes, probably about $200 all said and told, after the 50% off empoyee discount, and then another bout $40 or $50 a season on wax. Then there's $10-$50 in gas money each time I go depending on how many people there are in the car and how far i'm going.
yeah, it's an expensive sport, and that's just the BARE minimum for me, idealy i'd have 3 pairs of skis, big mountain, park, and rock skis, and later on some backcountry skis with touring bindings (another $1500 easily) but i only can afford one pair for now, and avie gear; avalanche tranceiver, probe, shovel, would be at least $500, i borrow that stuff now.