innerspaceboy |
04-06-2017 06:55 PM |
So, SO much is happening. I'll try to be as concise as possible.
The new job is incredibly challenging. 13-hour days when you factor in the hours of my standing in downpours at 5 in the morning and again at 7 at night waiting for public transit. After all that I'm exhausted... but SATISFIED, unlike the crushing defeat and hopelessness I felt at the old job. The IT work is almost entirely email-based, so I'm not sitting on calls all day as I'd anticipated, but the real challenge is that the logic is exponential. Everything is an exception to the rule and I'm trusted to work out solutions for 700 offices around the US day in and day out. I'd felt tremendous anxiety as I'm so linear and process-based in my thinking, but in the first three days I'm making tremendous strides and have impressed the senior IT staff, which carries a lot of weight in the office. I think I just might pull this off. And best of all, I'm the least-skilled gent in the room for a change, which is fantastically refreshing. Here I have the opportunity to challenge myself and to grow.
I hit an emotionally-crushing brick wall yesterday when my wife informed me that she'd consulted a pro-bono lawyer who told her that all my work - the papers I'd drafted, notarized, and the hundreds I'd spent to file them, were incorrect and inadmissible. I'd potentially have to start from scratch all over again and have to re-pay the fees. Unlitigated divorce is treacherous territory for a novice, and it leaves you feeling helpless when you get this sort of news.
But I reached out to my resources and, long story short, the papers are just fine. I'm accepting a request of amendment by my wife which will require that I re-serve her, buying her another 20 days and which will require us to appear in court where otherwise it would have just been processed automatically. She needs us to appear to agree to waive on of my conditions, which I'm fine with if it gets the job done.
Crisis averted.