Chiomara |
02-22-2017 08:48 AM |
Originally Posted by djchameleon
(Post 1807913)
Don't mention things like this to me. My friend's nickname for me is Petty Wap for a reason. I call her Petty LaBelle.
Petty LaBelle! I love it. (That would make an excellent drag name for someone, too.)
Originally Posted by djchameleon
(Post 1807913)
Where do you purchase that? I felt like you were going to say eye of newt next in the list of your homemade ingredients.
You can find dragon's blood soap online; one merely has to liquefy it. (A bit of a pain, which is why I typically use liquefied african black soap in my concoction--since it's sometimes sold in liquid form already-- and use the dragon's blood soap as my regular soap.)
Eye of newt shall be my next acquisition! Really, though, it's much cheaper to make your own bath products/laundry soup-- providing you use basic recipes rather than needlessly opulent ones like I do.
Originally Posted by djchameleon
(Post 1807913)
I've heard you say a few times that you are super stressed? What's causing it? Is there anyway that you could see yourself reducing it in the forseeable future. Not eating isn't a good thing.
I keep forgetting that people on this forum actually read others' posts.
Well, it's mainly due to my living situation. (the person I live with is my ex; I typically have no issue at all being friends with exes, however this one... He has turned into a petulant teenage boy who leaves a trail of debris everywhere. I also do not love his argumentativeness.)
And my plans to move to another state last October were halted, in part due to medical bills and other reasons which was rather stressful. (Mammograms are absurdly expensive, as it turns out) That in addition to my family needing me to do various things for them/be their on-call nanny on short notice. I'm generally much happier when I do not live in Texas, so the stress will all dissipate once I move again.