Chiomara |
02-14-2017 08:12 PM |
Today: A bit stressful. But there were thunderstorms in abundance, at least.
My brother left today, and I finally managed to find a new copy (I lost my other) of The Ghost & Mrs. Muir at Half-Priced Books. So, there's that.
Before that, I had an early dinner at my favorite nearby Thai restaurant; it was nearly empty, and I had a great chat with the lone waiter. I somehow wound up finding a gift for his wife; he'd gotten a glimpse at my bag, which... Is this strange leather monstrosity (it even has eyes!) that was made to resemble a tree face. He kept asking me where I bought it, saying that his wife had always wanted a similar thing. I had gotten it many moons ago at some ren faire booth, and had to google "weird tree face leather bag" to find out where on earth one could buy them online. But I found it! So that was nice, I suppose.
And now I'm going to eat my leftover curry. Oh! I also got a bunch of birthday giftcards for Amazon, so if anyone has some urgent recommendation (books, comics, cooking contraptions), do please tell me. I'm paralyzed by indecision.