Ninetales |
11-23-2016 01:06 PM |
so I work for a rental company that recently rolled out a new renovation project to upgrade all of our suites (~30,000) with new "exciting" material. Call it a rebrand, if you will. Except this roll out has been an abomination so far. the "design team" (ambiguously named because despite being crucially involved in this process, I have little idea who is even making the final decisions besides "higher ups", authorized through my manager) pushed this whole thing out with no warning, foresight or even complete ideas. So not only do we not have complete specifications for what they want - seriously, I have to coordinate jobs that I don't even know what is being worked on - but the ones we do have we've already ran out of material 1 week in. So lead times are through the roof because we are scrambling to get something while having enough material ordered (so will have in 3-4 weeks) to accommodate 10% of our suites.
tl;dr my work is a shitshow
and ive been pretty diplomatic through this whole thing. And im good at my job and ive done good work here. but yesterday (surrogated through my boss) my manager - who is getting pressure from the execs for how this whole upgrade has gone so far - let me know that I socialize with one specific person too much and that im not busy enough/should "look busier" for "optics sake" [insert eye roll emoji]. now fine, Im social creature, but my workplace is young and social and my god damn manager calls people into his office just to chat about random shit (which coincidentally has involved that person I got in shit for more frequently since hmmmmm oh who also did not get talked to about this even tho she was specifically mentioned in my meeting hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm). this is some kindergarten level stuff, but it all reads like a big "fuck you" to me.
so this whole thing has really riled me up. god forbid I take a break from the steady stream of shit flowing through this whole process
I have a meeting with my boss on Friday and well somethings gonna give. pissed 9tales has only happened once in my adult life, but boy the rage is festering