Raine |
11-10-2006 10:58 PM |
did my hair for a picture tomorrow.
went on on a rather stereotypical romantic date with my boyfriend. we danced a little, drank a lot, and did a ton of other stuff.
The date was the best part of my day.
I changed into a longish skirt because he was dressed a little too fomral.
we went to a park, had a picnic, played on the swings. or rather i swung and he pushed. . we laid down ont he grass, looked up at the stars and wow, it was amazingly great.
Alex made a really tasty cake and either had his mom cook the rest or ordered the rest of the food. We had burritos, chicken, tomoato pie, and a ton of other finger foods mostly.
with his incentive i got into the car and he put a blindfold over my eyes. He lead me to a picnic area and kiss me. then removed the blindfold. we were just sitting and eating and doing a ton of other things. And then i saw a swing set. he pushed me on the swings for like ever. and afterwards we lay on the grass just talking and it was amazing.
and now he's sleeping (with my cat curled up beside him) and I'm trying to write an essay for school.
life is good.