kibbeh |
08-18-2016 12:35 PM |
are any of you guys vegan?
i'm considering going vegan. i've tried to a couple of times in the past few years but always ended up binging on kibbeh and kebabs :-( but after a conversation with a friend who is vegan i thought maybe i should transition slowly into veganism instead of just giving up all the food i love overnight. ok maybe not all i guess tabbouleh and fattoush and hummus count as vegan but anyway.... for example, this week i stopped eating red meats which is huge for me cuz i love kibbeh and gulash so much :-( anyway i thought this week i'd cut out red meats, next week, poultry, after that, fish then dairy and so on? idk.... i'm still thinking about it i mean its a big decision but yeah.... its been on my mind a lot lately