The Batlord |
04-25-2016 02:31 PM |
So. Work. I've had plenty of ****ty days where the customers just never stopped coming, but this was one of the more disheartening. I was alone on the sandwich board for about an hour or so, which sucked, but then they finally sent me some help: a very nice but utterly incompetent trainee manager who turned getting slammed at work into slamming my head against a wall.
We're pretty sure she can only kinda read English (but she's from somewhere in the Caribbean, so for all I know English isn't her first language), so I kept having to tell her what sandwiches to make and if they were special. This would have been a pain in the ass, but she's also a complete chowderhead who, after weeks of training at our store, has no idea how to do anything anywhere, so not only do I have to tell her what to make, but I have to tell her how to make it... and then again thirty seconds later once she's forgotten what I've told her... and then again thirty more seconds later once she's again forgotten what I've now told her twice... and then AGAIN two minutes later once she has to make the exact same sandwich that's she's JUST completed, but of course, forgotten completely how to make in the interim.
At times I would have to stop what I was doing just to make sure she was making a sandwich correctly (she usually wasn't), thereby negating any benefit to having two people work the board. Eventually I just felt like...