Well, the situation with my brother has taken a turn down crazy-ville. My family and I are at a loss at what to do. We know he's still in a full on manic episode but we're unsure how to handle it. He's not sleeping. He's asking my parents to drive him places at all hours of the day and night (last night it was 3 in the morning) and when they say no he calls them worthless parents and that they never do anything for him. He promises my parents that he'll be home early and then doesn't show up. He got into a huge fight with my dad a couple nights ago, stole 180 bucks from his wallet, and took off to a hotel for a night. The fight was because my brother asked them to buy him a new car. This was an hour after calling my mother a bitch and a bad mom because she is begging him to take his new medication that is supposed to calm him down.
We don't know what to do. Right now he's at some crazy non-denominational church with a friend who doesn't even have a house. He lives in the woods in a tent. Seriously. He carries around rosary beads now and that necklace with my grandfathers ashes in it that we thought he lost? He found it. He carries it everywhere and talks to it like it's my grandfather.
The worse part is that he's not doing drugs so nobody can help us. That's what is pissing me off. The drug program he's on know how loony he is but isn't doing sh*t. These episodes usually last a week, which today is, but I don't see it calming down any time soon.
The even worst part is that the four of us are supposed to go on vacation in a week. I don't want him there like this but I also don't want him to stay at my parents house like this unsupervised. It'll be burned down.
I have no idea what to do.