Raine |
09-28-2006 05:39 PM |
It took a meltdown for me to find time for this place.
Found out Urban's a mod.
MJ's got a new avatar.
another thread that's a poor excuse for porn has been created.
saw a car accident.
damn near sprained my foot. Sprained my ankle a few days ago.
i'm not making weight. . . . .
got in on some freshmen pranks. Best fun ever. We trashed three and painted like 30.
Someone confused me for a sophmore. we trashed that mofo too.
one my teachers was more or less fired.
I cam here and laughed at the worst band on earth thread. Some of those comments were . . . . just funny.
I have to sit out two volleyball games. partly because of the sprain and partly as part of punishment for unsportsman like conduct towards one of my team mates. or some bs like that.