innerspaceboy |
07-07-2015 06:16 PM |
Spare Head #23
Saturday I'd started casually entertaining the possibility of buying a house. Maybe. Someday. Now that I'm getting hitched a place of our own started to sound appealing.
And today, lo and behold, my landlord has listed the house we live in for sale. He's showing it tomorrow. And he offered to sell it to me directly.
It's kind of an amazing house. It's kind of only a 10 minute walk to my office. And a 5 minute bike ride to my favorite record shop, antique shop, my barber, and my grocer. (And other than that I really never leave the house.)
The neighborhood among the safest in the city, and is only a few miles from downtown. (There's even a police station FOUR HOUSES down from me, so my audio gear sleeps soundly.)
And the crazy upshot is - continuing to rent out the lower level to a friend, after taxes, insurance, the whole ball o' wax... I would end up paying $500 less every month than I pay now to my landlord.
So... pending eligibility... I might be buying the house I already live in.
And if I don't win the bid... I'll just be homeless in 30 days.