Sequoioideae |
05-16-2015 08:08 PM |
Originally Posted by Pedestrian
(Post 1590133)
Went out with The Boy for a couple of hours today. It was probably the most platonic visit I've ever had with somebody. I don't know how to resolve this issue though, because the more I think about it, the more convinced I grow of my placement in the friendzone, and the more afraid I am to either tell him or be bold and just touch his wiener. It's a winless scenario.
Now I'm going to have a sad nap.
Well, if it makes you feel any better I tried and failed with some chick I had been talking to for three months. It's hard for me to connect emotionally with people, and she was cute too, and a fantastic artist. She was going through some trouble financially and I bought some of her art to help her out because I really like her work and I wanted to support her. After I hung out with her a few days ago I told her how I felt, and that I was sorry I couldn't be friends with her and that I tried multiple times to put my feelings aside but couldn't. I told her that I was sorry, and not to think it's her fault, and we probably shouldn't talk anymore because my feelings would be harmful to our friendship, and I reassured her that it was my fault, not hers.
You'll probably do a lot better than me, I'm just some ugly awkward skinny white dude no one finds attractive.