First of all, just to educate you all on why my posts might be a bit more outrageous than usual, I have a twelve pack of PBR, and I've crushed three of them in the last fifteen/twenty minutes just to get my buzz on. I haven't had this much alcohol at my disposal in probably years, so I am gonna be out of control, possibly on a WD level, or at least on a LiL quotient.
So if I abuse you stupid **** ****s and your god damn stupid faces more than usual, that's why. My grammar will also get progressively worse as my eyesight becomes more and more compromised.
*opens fourth beer, takes three good swigs, blasts Brutal Truth's second album, grindcore all up in this mother****er, suck my nuts, Trollheart*
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah
(Post 1582499)
Doesnt that bore you?
**** no. Or yes. Kinda. Sometimes I definitely get bored, but usually I love the solitude and low key vibe of just hangin' at home and masturbating to anime porn. Plankton knows what I'm talking about when I say that my ultimate and only goal in life is to move to a tropical island, away from the hustle and bustle of the modern rat ****ing race, and just chillax to the Bernie Max.
I'll run a beachside bar where all my fellow cracker expats hang out in their Hawaiian shirts and male short shorts. Beers will be served, but margaritas and daiquiris will be the order of the day. Speakers will play Bob Marley and Jimmy Buffet nonstop, and joints will be passed around like cheap prostitutes.
Locals will be welcome, but it's likely that they'll consider us pathetic losers and go about their business of fishing for their livelihood and whatever locals in tropical islands do. Still, I hear that islanders operate on a lazier clock than non-islanders, so I imagine we will be not so much pariahs as sources of amusement and fine booze.
Originally Posted by Ki
(Post 1582529)
I completely forgot why I quoted this post, but I assume it has to do with making a Michael Bolton "No talent asshat" joke. So **** you and then some.
Office Space is my inspiration. Still sober enough to italicize movie titles. Like a boss. Soberness must be rectumfied -- and yes, I'm aware that I said rectumfied.
Originally Posted by Plankton
(Post 1582562)
Peter... watch out for your cornhole, bud.
Batlord started it.
Again, I forgot why I quoted this. I spent too much time responding to Roxy's post, and my memory is failing me. **** you, just to be safe. Oh, and could you Photoshop my pic in the Member Picture Gallery into something that will humiliate me? You're the dude of that ****, and I would be honored.
BTW, I've never listened to your music as far as I remember, so a link would be righteous. It's just, like, wrong that I've listened to Frownland's **** and not yours. This demand also applies to Mondo. Although he might have PMed me links to his music and I just forgot about them. If so, I'm certainly too ****ing lazy and buzzed to **** around with going through my PMs. Suck it.
Will now post without proofreading. You have been warned. Brutal Truth rules and Dan Lilker's hair is Yahweh.
Let's get ****ed up. Let's get ****ed up. Let's get ****ed up. Let's get ****ed. Let's all go into Plug. I need to drunkenly interact with people in real time.