RoxyRollah |
04-25-2015 04:42 AM |
Dude, I cannot begin to even describe to you what its like to see the skin peeled back over the face. Its like this lumpy mess of mushy flesh, pealed back so the skull is exposed and they can pull the brain out. The smell, oh god the smell... And it's not the smell of the cadaver on the table that gets you either, it's the smell of a cooler full of dead..... Shudders*. I had to buy new weave later that same day dude, I couldn't get the smell to stop following me. Also I live in God's waiting room so it very well could have been the stench of old lady following me. I have only just realized that the walking dead, (ie those about to die) have a stench of rot on them as well. That is not just outdated Channel No. 5. Noooo it's walking dead... There is a difference between walking about to die, and dead dead. Although they both smell similar dead dead is more pungent.