John Wilkes Booth |
03-24-2015 03:38 AM |
it's weird the way add works, especially drugged up add
i heard that one of my favorite rappers ghostface killah was on the show couples therapy. he went on there 'to support his girlfriend' and ****. and he started off insisting that he didn't need therapy but he was there for her. but over the course of the show it turned out that she was his on the side chick and that he had another girlfriend besides her who he had been with for longer. so he came to the conclusion that the other girl needed to come on the show so he could decide which one he really wanted. or as ghost put it "if you say this therapy **** is good then let the kid get some therapy."
he ended up picking the one he didnt initially bring on the show, but then she rejected him.
i've watched this whole season straight through in the course of a day. except like i said with the add i get bored and need a break from it so i've also been watching nature documentaries on ants. ants are pretty much the most gangster species on the planet earth. so i've been watching ghost on couples therapy till i get bored of that then i go back to the ants. then after a while i catch myself not paying attention to the ants so i go back to couples therapy