RoxyRollah |
03-14-2015 05:08 PM |
So,Im super excited my nephew will be moving in with me.Hes 24 and just got out of the joint last month. Now before you get all squinty eyed andjudgemental,he will be attending a rehabilitation center and graduating before he sets foot in my house.1 year.My nephew is not a drug addict or alkie,hes an ex gang banger.And he called me yesterday hes been out of prison 1 month and is terrified of going back to prison,so I pulled a few strings and got him into the top rehabilitation center for at risk young men in the country.My string puller also sits on the board of this place as well as has connections to Senators govorners etc.So to entice him to go my friend said tell him if he graduates, a full year of treament, gets his GED, and obtains a full time job he will send out 3 letters of recommendation, 1 to any employer,for an apprenticeship in his desired field,1 for the college he will be attending
( my stipulation as well) and 1 to the govonor of Ohio,for an official pardon.So his agrravated assault, grand theft auto,and burglary charges wil never hold him back.So when I called my nephew and told him he broke down in tears, I asked him why he was crying like a babbling brook,he said "No one had ever done anything like that for me". Now somebody exsplain to me why my other nephew that rakes inthe dough as the face of a major sneaker line whose dipers I changed and raised as my own son cant call his old aunti just to say hey,but my gangbangging ex convict onecan call me and write me from lock up and Ive never met him?