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RoxyRollah 03-03-2015 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1559855)
Real talk. It's been so long since I had any confidence in my ability to succeed at even the most basic life accomplishments that I can't even bring myself to entertain the notion of dreams or hopes. I'm resigned and accepting of my current status simply because I can't realistically imagine anything else. To be perfectly honest, though I'm not suicidal at all, I can only really see my life coming to two possible conclusions: being homeless or suicide.

You wont know unless you trysweetheaert . Im not knocking your situstion by any means,you are smart,spunky,and young.You are practically invincible. How could you not suceed.;)

Plankton 03-04-2015 07:39 AM

Batlord my friend, change is hard and it can be painful, but just like ripping a bandaid off, the pain will subside and you'll be better off for having done it. I would rather go through a life of change and the pain that goes along with it at times, than be a dormant slug and watch the world move on without me. It seems you've already set some goals with the on-line classes, and that's a healthy start. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your future be laid out in front of you all at once. It's a daily struggle, and the sooner you get in the game, the better off you're going to be.

Just a little food for thought.

RoxyRollah 03-04-2015 08:00 AM

My man^...:clap: You know bats I was ejected from my legal gaudrians house at 17.Ive lived in trailers,apts, tents, huts in the third world ,hotels, hostels,communes, houses in suburbia, halfway houses,and a church parking lot in the backseat of my car.Life isnt something one really sets out do to with precision. Its all about getting your hands dirty.The more you exsperience the more well rounded you become.Im not saying you should move out,but when you are ready dont be scared to fail.Faliure is the ultimate teacher of things worth learning.There is no growing in knowing where you are going. Its how you pick yourself up.

innerspaceboy 03-05-2015 04:14 PM

Met our new designer today at work. After emphatically professing her love of her Chevy Blazer, she asked if she could spin tunes in the office. She adamantly proclaimed, "I listen to EEEEEVERYTHING - You name it, I love it."

A hush fell across our staff as eyes glanced in my direction. "Everything?" I asked, intrigued.

But she quickly dispelled any doubt from our minds when she replied, "Oh yeah - Everything from Slipknot to Korn to country!"

In an effort to "narrow down" the vastness of her tastes, I asked her favorite century of musical composition. She replied, "the 80s."

I'm looking forward to working with her.

WWWP 03-05-2015 04:19 PM

We're not technically allowed to announce it yet, but my band received an email this morning telling us we won the annual Best Band of the North Bay voter-based write-in thing. :beer:

Chula Vista 03-05-2015 04:20 PM


Frownland 03-05-2015 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1560952)
We're not technically allowed to announce it yet, but my band received an email this morning telling us we won the annual Best Band of the North Bay voter-based write-in thing. :beer:

ladyislingering 03-05-2015 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by innerspaceboy (Post 1560945)
Met our new designer today at work. After emphatically professing her love of her Chevy Blazer, she asked if she could spin tunes in the office. She adamantly proclaimed, "I listen to EEEEEVERYTHING - You name it, I love it."

A hush fell across our staff as eyes glanced in my direction. "Everything?" I asked, intrigued.

But she quickly dispelled any doubt from our minds when she replied, "Oh yeah - Everything from Slipknot to Korn to country!"

In an effort to "narrow down" the vastness of her tastes, I asked her favorite century of musical composition. She replied, "the 80s."

I'm looking forward to working with her.

Ugh. I hope she never breeds.

RoxyRollah 03-05-2015 06:54 PM

Ssssh Lil we need her....Shes the musical equivalent of a sorta hot gf that makes you look better by comparison. .

What! You ppl thought it too, ya judgemental nickelback lovers.

ladyislingering 03-05-2015 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1561048)
Ssssh Lil we need her....Shes the musical equivalent of a sorta hot gf that makes you look better by comparison. .

What! You ppl thought it too, ya judgemental nickelback lovers.


Speaking of Nickelback....

Yesterday morning one of my neighbors was blasting Nickelback before 6am.

I had never felt so wronged so early in the morning.

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