Frownland |
01-17-2015 11:27 PM |
Got drunk for the first time with my dad tonight. I've had three or four beers with the guy over the course of a night before but it never really did much to me tbh. We're driving up to my school tomorrow so I guess he wanted a drinking buddy after my mom fell asleep and poured me four strong ass vodka tonics (so that's where I get my drink pouring technique from) while I introduced him to It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia, which he actually enjoyed more than I expected him to.
Earlier in the day I said my last goodbyes to a couple of friends too. Got some drum brushes randomly from my best friend as a thank you for lending him my (extremely dank) vinyl collection. I'm talking Mr. Bungle, Miles Davis, Ravi Shankar, Throbbing Gristle, Captain Beefheart, USA, Fifty Foot Hose, Velvet Underground, Ornette Coleman, The Residents...I would give a nice thank you gift to someone for that too. Bittersweet moment but more sweet than anything.