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Raine 08-31-2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by some_exotic_booze
You're hair must be really dry and dead, no? You're only supposed to dye it permanant ever 4 months at LEAST...but I guess if you've been doing it for so long..

My hair grows too fast. If I don't dye it every few days the roots start to show.

And I had a seizure the other day so I've gone to some minimal physical therapy and i get some shots to reduce the numbing effect and pain (if any) I feel.

Barnard17 08-31-2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by H.I.M
Actually over the phone.

You're never speaking to her again (at least, if she manages to avoid you correctly)

under 08-31-2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by _LesPaul43_
Just do some hella sweet satanic stuff, like, make her say yes, or you'll kill her and send her to hell.

Hmm....jkjk I wouldn't do that, that's just wrong. I could probably hurt her but I haven't mastered killing just yet. Maybe in a couple years.


Laces Out Dan! 08-31-2006 08:16 PM


Barnard17 08-31-2006 08:22 PM

Shit HIM! That was awesome! Do that again, but make Merkaba faint this time!

swim 08-31-2006 08:23 PM

My Day for 85 more Week Days
School is so easy it hurts. I've been in it for a week and I'm bored to tears. In Spanish 2 we have no homework, no tests and he doesn't grade our written work. Also I don't learn anything. My Spanish 1 teacher flooded us worth work. I don't know what to do with myself. Civics: How can you be in an honors 10th grade class and not know where Pennsylvania is? There's too many dumb people in that class and I haven't learned anything yet. I do all my homework in Spanish 2 because I can. Biology: I like my teacher and it's the only half way challenging class I have. Then I have band which I like.

tdoc210 08-31-2006 09:08 PM

^ abh, I have ap us history, ap Bio, ap sociology and comp tech.

its a load of work but eayss eeing as my grand resouce found the site where thhe teacher got the questions from =) ( for ap hsitory)

after this semester ill have 5 college credits

holdyoualways 08-31-2006 09:54 PM

your avatar is huge
& annoying
anyways im super duper happy right now
afi won the vma!!!

DearJenny 08-31-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
your avatar is huge
& annoying
anyways im super duper happy right now
afi won the vma!!!


Anyway, I'm going to be busy today, busy like a little bee, so in case I cannot get online, this is how my day will go.

I must get up early and cash my check so I have moolah. I have class at 10:40 and another at 1:20 so I will not be home until about 3. Then I must burn a few cds and get ready for something awesome. Hopefully I can get done all I have to get done in two hours. At 5pm I head off to work for four hours. Then I drive 45 minutes away to pick up my boyfriend. Then I'm off to a BIG PARTY! And I plan on sleeping in my car with my boyfriend. *wink* *wink*. I'm setting up my trunk and fold down back seats as a bed and it will be sweet.

Trauma 09-01-2006 01:14 PM

Wow so I smoked the fattest blunt EVER MADE last night with some friends, and after that a cop was following us, it was soo fucking scary!!
After that we piled into this car, two girls, three guys. ;)
We went to this abandoned house and busted out the fifth of bacardi.
The girls started drinking and I was mildly fXcked already lol.
I started making out with this girl and the next thing I knew we were in Ann Arbor!!!!!! WTF mate. (Ann Arbor = 20 minutes away, it's 3:00 AM)
So coming back my friend spins out on the high way.
Miraculously, he drives away from this????
We chill and stuff and yeah it was great.
I still haven't heard from the girl I was talking to all night, I hope she didn't get in trouble.

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