how do i even
so work was a snooze pass. just did extra prep work and reorganizing all day cuz lately shizz been hella slow. like, i mean hella slow. 300$ in 7 hours? that shizz hella slow bro. BUT. Who gives a ****!? I dun care about sports. But my hometown won the world series while I was getting blasted on cocaine and jagger bombs with strangers at a King Tuff show. Dudes. Dudettes. It was. Hella sick. King Tuff is one of those bands were there's gotta be at least one person hella into it, gettin that pit rollin. I was that person. Oh man. TFW your underwear so sweaty it clings to your asscheeks like you perspire superglue? Ain't that bad a feeling when your stlil rollinnnnnnnnnnn. I shook hands with Kyle and told him how King Tuff was one of my fav bands. Showed him my FIDLAR tat, much of the digs. Someone got punched in the face. I got french fries at burger king at shot the breeze with a cute hippy girl from Ireland. We reveled in the glory of greasy salty french fries and remarked about how no one appreciates fries with mayo in the States of Ameriduh. And then I got Thai food and smoked out this kid who might've been like 17 but he was way chill and got me my Thai food for free. It pays to be friends with peeps in the service industry but good lord I hope I didn't just push some random teen down the well for Crispy Veggie Rolls and Coconut Curry Soup...