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adidasss 11-14-2005 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by madeinNY
Oh that sounds like a fun day.

doesn't it?:)...well at least i got my dsl.....i've been playing arround with it all day.....great fun..

right-track 11-14-2005 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
doesn't it?:)...well at least i got my dsl.....i've been playing arround with it all day.....great fun..

how fast now man???

madeinNY 11-14-2005 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
doesn't it?:)...well at least i got my dsl.....i've been playing arround with it all day.....great fun..

Oh yea, loads fun. haha:D . Yay, good for you ;)

adidasss 11-14-2005 05:35 PM

faster than a speedin bullet!!! yeeeeehaaaaaaa!!!.....:( 365kb/s....but i simply can't believe the rate at which the songs download, it's like someone's fastforwarding a movie, in one minute it's here!!! un-fucking-believable...i can barely put the next song to download and the previous one is already here...i've been looking at the little progress bar on shareaza all day with a smirk on my face( sad is that ) ..and i'm loving the fact that i can talk on the phone and be on line, and i don't have to get off when i'm not doing anything....amazing.....i've already downloaded 4 albums ( some 300mb )....hehe....and i've only just begone.....and it's all free(and completely illegal)!! for the first 2 months i don't pay for the traffic......:)

madeinNY 11-14-2005 05:50 PM

And just think, people have been doing that for years, and thats why 75% of the worlds population is one ever gets off their damn computers, lmao.

adidasss 11-14-2005 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by madeinNY
And just think, people have been doing that for years, and thats why 75% of the worlds population is one ever gets off their damn computers, lmao.

yep, i can feel my belly growing and fat acumulating as we speak...:)

madeinNY 11-14-2005 05:58 PM

Hahaha. It's so weird that we should be talking about this because for the last half hour I've been sitting at my computer eating mini cookies and a 2 liter of cherry 7-up. hahahha

ladyluckrules 11-16-2005 12:41 PM

Well this is more of a 'your last night'.
But I saw alkaline trio at their first England gig of the Autumn/Winter tour.
Waiting outside were just hundreds of scene, emo, rockabilly blah blah kids.
Most were wasted and came up to us introducing themselves, usually the coversation was along these lines
''Hi my names dally'' *drugged up friend buts in* ''HE LIKES THE COOOCK HE LIKES THE COOCK AND SOME MUFF BUT SOMETIMES COOCK''.
So after waiting outside with random people on the steps for about an hour we finally got in and I managed to get about one person away from the barrier. So after hearing some band that was good technically but their singer completely ruined it, he was nasal, barely comprehensible, chucked the stuff people chucked at him back and swore a lot mainly in german, they were just some bizarre mix of techno and emo :\
Then Mike this guy came up and we loved him instantly. He played anti-racism songs (he'd faced a lot of racism in his childhood becuase he was one of about four asian kids in his school) acoustic as well as a song about a girl from the t.v show in america, degrassi high, 'I'm in love with a girl called spike'. And generally just kept everyone hanging to every word he said, plus he had a crush on the merch girl. So he was great, we all really liked him and he consoled our ears after that catastrophe of a band before hand.
And then Alkaline Trio came on with Time to Waste. The set list was something like: Time To Waste, Private eye, Sadie,Fall Victim, We've had enough, She took him to the lake, Smoke, Apocalypse, This could be love etc. With everyone screaming the words and spraying water at each other, I lost my scarf and shoe (for a minute) in all the jumping and crushing.

Anyways all in all a really great night, they really were good live despite the pretty poor sound quality the venue had and we danced home.

Imonlydancing 11-16-2005 12:45 PM

^ OMG. Yerrrr.
I was meaning to ask about thattt.

May aswell tell you about my day...

It sucked. School sucks.
But. I sat in the corridor on the floor, and DIDNT! get moved for
I went to a boys school on a CCF bus with the cool year below EMO kids. :]
Saw my friend and brought POKEMON related crappp.
Went to my friends with an afros house.

Spikey 11-16-2005 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
i had an interesting day, got up at 10, went to town and bought an adidas shirt for my sister, got back at noon and then the dude for the dsl came, after he installed the modem he asked me my password, which i just remembered i lost so i frantically start looking for it, can't find it, so the guy tells me to call the telecom company, which i do, they put me on hold for ages, give me a password and username that don't work, then my doorbell rings and it's the people for the gass ( remember? i don't have any heat or hot water for like 2 weeks), nice timing guys, so they're outside ( a bit nervous, the guy is shouting at someone on the cell ) and the dsl guy is trying to figure out what's going on and getting a bit impatient, at this point i realize i have no clue to where the key to the boiler room is (which i assumed the gas people needed) so i start to search for it frantically, i start calling my sisters ( becuase they were here this weekend and cleaned the place up ), they have no clue where it is, i'm sweating like a bitch , then my father decides to call and ask me what the workers are doing, i tell him i have no idea and that i lost the key ( expecting an onslaugh of insults, strangely enough it didn't happen ), i find they key, they didn't need it and i sent the dsl guy away, i told him i'd deal with the password just to get rid of him.....and later in the afternoon, a distant cousin of mine came ( he's staying with me for a couple of days because his daughter is in the hospital ), i've never seen this man in my life and now i'm supposed to live with him for 3 days, needless to say ( what with my world famous social and conversational skills that have landed me friendless ) it was not a very pleasant evening, nor will it be a very pleasant 3 days.....*shudders*

Sounds fun...I'll be your friend through thick and thin...

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