I'm too drunk to feel it but my heart is broken atm. I made a very, very, very difficult decision today. Corona, my angel and sweetheart of a dog whom I love more than anyone or anything in the world, will be staying with my Mom and her Girlfriend until I can definitely get my act together. My roommate and my landlord are threatening to hurt her. I'm an alcoholic who needs to be away from home too much to own a dog and make ends meet. It just can't work. I ****ing love Corona. When I come home, she's the best thing in the damn world. Jumping. Smiling. So ****ing happy to see me. I ****ing love her. Curled up in my armpit when it's time to sleep. Sitting patiently for a little treat. But I can't take care of her. I'm too much of a mess to have the responsibiity. I keep thinking- what if she were your daughter. That's what dogs are kind of like, they're your children. And when you've been hospitalized for your alcoholism three times just this year, been assaulted twice taht you know of by gangbanger drug dealers, and wake up covered in self inflicted burns and cuts that will scar you for the rest of your life.... what kind of parent are you?
I don't deserve Corona. She's a ****ing angle and she'll be so ****ing happy now that my mom and her girlfriend have finally agreed to take her in while I try and work myself out. If I can.