Man, the craziest thing happened today.
About a year and a half ago I found my dog under a produce bin in a sketchy part of town with no collar. I took her in after talking with the manager of the store and we made arrangements to find her owner. Couple days later we find out she was thrown out of her apartment along with another dog by her previous owner during a manic fit. Her neighbors commented that it's happened before. Soooooooooooooo I decided to keep her. That was my decision, I wasn't about to let her go back with the previous owner but I did get into contact with her to let her know what was going on. She did not give a ****.
Right, so that's the backstory. Flashforward to today and I'm on the train heading home with Corona in my lap. This girl about my age keeps eyeballing us and it's a little weird. At first I thought she was checking me out but then she kept staring at my dog too and it was just strange. Get off the train, she gets off on the same stop. Little conversation about the dog, blahblahblah, her name is Cassandra. Turns out Corona was Cassandra's dog and the woman who threw her out was her mom. She was taking care of the dog while Cassandra was working things out with her ex and looking for a place to stay. Cassandra's basically still homeless and couch-hopping between friends, looking for work and trying to get back in school after breaking up with an abusive boyfriend. I give her my email, make it clear that I'm keeping the dog but if she ever wants to hang out or visit or whatever it's cool because I got a good read on her- she's a good person in a ****ty situation. Just, wow though. What are the odds. And she knew everything about Corona, she definitely wasn't lying.