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Plankton 06-06-2014 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1457526)
Today was unexpectedly good, i went to visit a friend and we went to a "Cultural workshop' which is basically a community center for artsy hipsters but they were very nice and even served some kind of organic jumbo for free lol

We went there cause my friend was gonna jam with some ppl there but i ended up joining them with the guitar and it was great but we had a weird lineup of instruments, we had

2 guitars
2 synthesizers
1 cello
1 saxophone
1 trumpet
1 electronic drums

My friend knew them but he had never played with them (he played the synthesizer btw) and i didn't know anybody but we ended up playing like 5 songs and the other ppl in the workshop gathered around and cheered us like we were doing a rock show when we were just musicians messing around. :p:

it was a really basic jam with basic progressions so we could all follow it but the trumpeter was pretty good and elaborated a bit and the Cello girl just rocked it she was really good.

They streamed the show online through youstream i think.

Nice. Thats an interesting mix of instruments, and those are some of the best ways to jam. I once started playing my acoustic all by myself at a campground with no one around me for at least a football field away in each direction, but ended up with about 4 guitar players, 3 singers and some bongo's with a full bon fire and party going on around it by nightfall. It was one of the best jams I've ever had.

Today seems like a good day for a ride after work.

Mr. Charlie 06-06-2014 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1454727)
Somehow I think that her medals and scholarship is far more important than a gold star. You know that awards like that get you amazing jobs right? I got a scholarship and have had plenty of work thrown my way. I'm stilling doing more study though.

Gold stars is where it starts. That's when the conditioning begins. Because the aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment; it is to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

The education system is very successful in imprinting the following:

1. Truth comes from authority
2. Intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat
3. Accurate memory and repetition are rewarded
4. Non compliance is punished
5. Conform: intellectually and socially

Public education does not encourage critical thinking or imagination. It does not teach emotional intelligence. It does not encourage the pupils to work together to solve problems. It does not seek and help develop an individuals natural skills and abilities. It creates pupils to fit in to its social and economic system.

The truly illiterate of the 21st century are not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1454752)
Charlie, not that I actually wanna know, but what were you doing when you weren't here? Don't ya miss it, whatever it was? Wouldn't you like to get back to doing that, TODAY? It's gotta be more interesting than us worthless souls like Meg winning scholastic achievements and earning degrees and scholarships and so forth.

Nowhere did I suggest that Meg was worthless. Indeed I was careful to not allude to that by saying if she is happy on here chosen path in life then that is fantastic. It was the accolades I called worthless.

anticipation 06-06-2014 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1457586)
Gold stars is where it starts. That's when the conditioning begins. Because the aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment; it is to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

The education system is very successful in imprinting the following:

1. Truth comes from authority
2. Intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat
3. Accurate memory and repetition are rewarded
4. Non compliance is punished
5. Conform: intellectually and socially

Public education does not encourage critical thinking or imagination. It does not teach emotional intelligence. It does not encourage the pupils to work together to solve problems. It does not seek and help develop an individuals natural skills and abilities. It creates pupils to fit in to its social and economic system.

The truly illiterate of the 21st century are not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Nowhere did I suggest that Meg was worthless. Indeed I was careful to not allude to that by saying if she is happy on here chosen path in life then that is fantastic. It was the accolades I called worthless.

One of the most coherent and well-written posts to ever grace these boards. Short and succinct, way to go Charlie.

Black Francis 06-06-2014 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1457573)
Nice. Thats an interesting mix of instruments, and those are some of the best ways to jam. I once started playing my acoustic all by myself at a campground with no one around me for at least a football field away in each direction, but ended up with about 4 guitar players, 3 singers and some bongo's with a full bon fire and party going on around it by nightfall. It was one of the best jams I've ever had.

Today seems like a good day for a ride after work.

I woulda joined on that jam too!

I really liked jaming with a Cello player, i was seated right next to the Cello player and she could improvise on the spot with it, i've met 2 other Cello players who have told me they can't do that and that they can only play already composed music.

ive met other ppl who play instruments with that same problem too, they know how to emulate existing songs perfectly but can't improvise something on the spot in a jam.

Plankton 06-06-2014 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1457606)
I woulda joined on that jam too!

I really liked jaming with a Cello player, i was seated right next to the Cello player and she could improvise on the spot with it, i've met 2 other Cello players who have told me they can't do that and that they can only play already composed music.

ive met other ppl who play instruments with that same problem too, they know how to emulate existing songs perfectly but can't improvise something on the spot in a jam.

I've spent years in front of a tv picking up soundtracks or commercials, whatever's on at the moment, and it carries over into my music. Usually, I can play any tune (within reason) within about 5-10 minutes. In fact, when I think about it, all my tunes on my albums are improvisation when you get down to brass tacks. I hit record and go, not really knowing where I'll end up. Most are one-takes and done. One of my music oriented friends calls me "Mr. One-And-Done".

Ok, enough of my self absorbed ego stroking, but if you'd like to hear what I'm talking about:

Home - Planktons Odyssey

I'd recommend Krill, or Whale in the 'Albums' section.

Ok, now I'm done. Gotta go get my ride on. Peace out.

Mojo 06-06-2014 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner (Post 1457162)
I just lost my job of four years. This has been the most trying year of my life.

I'm sorry to hear that. You really seemed to love your job.


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1454331)
I just won two academic medals and a scholarship for being the top student in my entire program!

I think I'll keep one on hand at all times to whip out arbitrarily in arguments. "You think Caesar invented the thumbs down? WELL MY MEDAL OF BRILLIANCE DISAGREES YEAHWHATTHATSWHATITHOUGHT".


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1454581)
Gold stars, grades, marks out of 10, awards and medals, that's the stuff they use throughout our life to keep us stupid. If the medals came to you doing the things you wanna do and heading where you wanna go, that's wonderful by itself but, seriously, medals are nowt but an arbitary and meaningless confirmation of 'merit'.

Congratulations on your arbitary and meaningless confirmation of being the best student in your entire program Pedestrian. If thats even something to be proud of.

Paul Smeenus 06-06-2014 04:21 PM

Becky has a little Yorkie mix, tiny little pooch. He was attacked by other dogs today, Becky was in sheer horror thinking her little dog was gonna get eaten. Vet's said no major damage aside from one puncture wound and a lot of swelling, poor little guy is in pain if he so much as moves. He's gonna be ok but he's a hurty little doggie today

hate paper doll 06-06-2014 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1457694)
Becky has a little Yorkie mix, tiny little pooch. He was attacked by other dogs today, Becky was in sheer horror thinking her little dog was gonna get eaten. Vet's said no major damage aside from one puncture wound and a lot of swelling, poor little guy is in pain if he so much as moves. He's gonna be ok but he's a hurty little doggie today

Awwww poor puppy! I'm glad he wasn't seriously injured. Were the bigger dogs on leashes?

Paul Smeenus 06-06-2014 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by hate paper doll (Post 1457696)
Awwww poor puppy! I'm glad he wasn't seriously injured. Were the bigger dogs on leashes?

All including Bentley (Becky's dog) were on leashes, she lives in a large Apartment complex & she was walking him

hate paper doll 06-06-2014 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1457699)
All including Bentley (Becky's dog) were on leashes, she lives in a large Apartment complex & she was walking him

Yeah I hate walking my parent's dog when they ask - he's a black lab and if he wants to chase a car or get at another dog there's no stopping him. Even with the leash, I've been yanked to the ground and dragged more times than I'd like to count.

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