Wpnfire |
03-13-2014 09:59 PM |
I went to a basketball game today with one of my co-workers. He had injured his elbow awhile ago, and I sat next to him on his injured-elbow-side so I could prevent people from bumping him there.
Unfortunately, the man who sat next to me on the other side was grossly overweight and barely fit in his seat.
Now I am a very rabid basketball fan, and whenever I would stand up to cheer or whatever, I would bump the arm of this guy who sat next to me.
I graciously surrendered the arm rest I shared with him, (so I essentially had NO arm rest), but he STILL was big enough that this did not prevent me from bumping his arm when I stood up.
I was so fing pissed, and there wasn't anything the guy could have done he was so overweight.
I for one, would LOVE to see some kind of legislation enacted that would force overweight people to pay for at least one of the seats next to him.
My friend agreed with me that it was ridiculous, though he said that it would be discriminatory to make a law/rule like that, and that it would violate the constitution, etc...
I said that the Constitution (US) protects individual rights, AND the rights of society.
Maybe I'm making stuff up to support this, but it really just made me so mad.
AWESOME game though! Wiggins was insane, he played all 45 minutes of the game!
Also **** Marcus Smart. Only LeBron James can flop and get away with it.