Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio
(Post 1423065)
I feel like the hugest ******* in the world after work today. I was in a bad mood because I had to drive an hour to work on sketchy roads, almost crashed twice, and decided that meant I had to be a bitch to customers who called in. But I was stealthy about it; I made it sound like I was just being factual and trying to be nice, but no. I wasn't. I was deliberately being a douche.
The customers kept apologizing to me for being upset, all like, "Wow, I'm glad that you helped me with this, and I'm so sorry that I was mean to you; I was just mad at the situation."
But I feel like I was emotionally manipulating these poor people. I started off with, "We can't do this because you did this, blah blah blah," then was all, "Pay this, and I can get your phone back on today, and I can go ahead and just take the rest of the past due and set it on an arrangement."
It's my job, but that's not the way I normally go about it. I was deliberately giving them no after no, knowing that they'd be desperately seeking a solution to get their phone back on. When I 'reluctantly' would offer to restore for just a part of the past due, they jumped on it and acted like I had their back or something. I felt awful. I mean, yeah, I was giving them accurate information, and they do owe the money for service...but my methodology was very manipulative. I don't like the way that felt. I collected more money than anyone on the floor today, but I feel absolutely vile about it. I am usually top 5 easy without being a total bill-collecting sociopath, for want of a better term.
No, wait. That's the best and most accurate term.
To make matters worse, I got a 103.7% QA today, for going 'above and beyond' and convincing (manipulating) a customer into paying their full past due, when they told me they couldn't afford to pay their bill. That was the highest QA I've gotten in a few months; most of mine are a simple 100%. Goddammit.