Frownland |
09-18-2013 11:59 PM |
Today began with a four mile hungover hell run in health class, but it helped me get over the hump of my agony about 2 miles into the run. After health I had communications, wherein the teacher returned the class's first essay. I had turned this essay in three classes late and was bummed that my first grade in the class apart from participation would be a c or lower, given that the teacher takes 10 points off per day past the due date. However, the teacher was so pleased with my paper that I got a full 175/175. **** yes.
After school I was contacted by a friend of mine from middle school who I formed my first band with, saying he was in San Diego for the weekend and that he wanted to hang/jam. It was a great and exhaustive jam session, and he played surprisingly well with me and my group since he doesn't listen to anything apart from metal for the most part. Also, he said before we started that he never improvises. Those who know of my band Wolves In Sheepskin know that real time composition is a key element of our music/magic. I can see why I chose him to form a band with.
The only downside to the jam session was that we attempted to record but the guitar, throughout the whole collection of tunes, overpowered all of the other instruments. Now I don't have anything to show for a great and rare to come by collaboration :(.