PoorOldPo |
04-07-2013 03:22 PM |
So I was in Waterford a few days ago, my friend(a gallery owner who has just gotten a new building he is going to make into a studio/ gallery) was showing me around his new building, it had been empty for around 5 years, I felt like I was in some post-apocalyptic city or something. Anyways, on the top floor I found all these undeveloped photos the people working there had left behind, I thought it was cool so I took them all with me, there were loads of film reels of photos, in all I took about 30 maybe?, with pictures of strangers on them. Anyways I was lying in bed last night, the photos were in the corner of my room in a bag, I was also sick in the stomach(which rarely happens to me). So I felt a bit tripped out.
I started hearing these weird noises inside the room, like weird ****ing noises, some sounded human, some didn't, and everyone in the house was asleep and nowhere near my room. My dog was asleep in the room with me and even she was freaked out. So due to my over-active imagination, I decided the photo things were haunted or some **** like that, and while I was off for a walk in a forest with my family today, I went off the trail deep into the woods for about 30 - 40 minutes and threw them down a badger hole near some bones of a fox. Then I got a little lost in the forest for a while, but I found my family eventually. What the **** is going on with my life.