Circe |
02-14-2013 11:15 AM |
I'm bored so I'll put up the messages in the cards I received today just to boast that I was apparently worth messing around with for £2.
The first time I saw you, you stole a piece of my heart.
You're out of this world
Your secret admirer
Dear Holly
My darling I live[sic] you. Not a day goes by that I don't dream of you
Hugs & kisses
To Holly
I love you. Why don't you notice me your[sic] breaking my heart!
All my love
Your secret admirer
To my valentines
Every time I see you I wish you where[sic] mine.
So please be, my valentines
Well, this whole thing may be a big joke that's never been used seriously but I'm certainly not impressed. You'll never win my heart when you can't talk to me without making me sic. And what's with the plural in the last one? Were you planning on wooing everyone that happened to be nearby when I opened it as well?