PoorOldPo |
12-24-2012 07:52 PM |
Originally Posted by Trollheart
(Post 1267602)
Well I can see the walls of Jericho, is it? Or maybe Jerusalem, I'm no expert. But as for divine inspiration, looks more like ye were inspired by the other fella! :laughing:
Seriously, cool but disturbing painting man: what's it actually meant to be? Do you know? Or are you like that guy in "Heroes" who got into a trance and then painted, came out of the trance and said "What the **** is that??" :)
Sometimes I don't even remember painting, like when I finished that one, I noticed the next day I had no deoderant left, turns out I had used all of the cans by spraying them on the painting to get that strange glossy white effect you see for the faces and other stuff. lol Yeah I dunno if I am inspired by the devil ^^ He doesn't sound like a sound fella, My dad calls it the "haunted inkwell" anotherwords he believes that all artists and musicians tap into something from the beyond, like god is inhabiting their pen or brush. Kind of a cool conept.
Originally Posted by Blarobbarg
(Post 1267538)
I'm an avid fan of the Bible, and though I can kinda see what they're talking about, it just looks like a cool, kinda avant-looking painting to me. Best of luck with all that.
Are your parents religious, in one way or another? Protestant, Catholic, New Age cult?
Typical Irish Catholics with an open mind to their son's inherent strangeness which is kind of touching :P