Engine |
12-19-2012 08:00 PM |
So, as Xmas-time draws closer, delivery men are inevitably busier and temp drivers are also hired. These things mean that UPS and FedEx will leave your package on your doorstoop, knock on your door, and run back to their truck.
Today, I saw that my neighbor had a small package sitting in front of their door. I went a little further and saw that another one did. But this one wasn't concealed in a delivery box, no, it had the shipping label stuck directly on the product's own semi-large box. So I look closer and what is it? It's a goddamn USB turntable!
I'm no thief but synapses in my brain were shooting off messages like Take That Shit! It's a surprise Christmas gift.. for YOU!
I ignored those lower impulses though and even felt like knocking on the door to tell the people about it but I knew that the delivery driver had already tried that and I didn't want to tempt the pleasure centers of my brain by getting even closer to the package. Someone's getting a new USB turntable tonight, and there's even a chance that it will go to its intended recipient.