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Old 11-11-2012, 01:14 PM   #21281 (permalink)
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I just had the most amazing day. I just had a day much like, I believe it was Rezz, posted about a little while back.

I had two wedding parties to go to this weekend. There was a girl I got talking to at the first one, briefly, then she had to leave early. I turned up for the second one and I noticed her there as well. This was quite strange considering the people getting married are not mutual friends, they don't know each other, and so I wasn't going with the same circle of friends to each party. Anyway, I got talking to her again and never have I felt such an instant connection to someone before.

That may sound rather silly, I don't know, and I don't mean to appear naive or that *I am exaggerating anything but basically, I don't often make connections with people I meet and so this kind of shocked me. I don't know if I have or even buy into the theory of a "dream girl" but I've got to say that if you forced me to list some qualities she would have, this girl I met would tick rather a lot of these boxes. Neither of us knew many people there so we quickly attached ourselves to each other and began talking and I don't think I have ever learned so much about someone so quickly before.

She has a fantastic sense of humour that she said has often landed her in trouble when people don't know she's joking (something I know a lot about), loves football and spent a good ten minutes explaining to me why my team are doing so poorly this season, loves music and plenty of heavy metal (her favourite bands are Isis and Neurosis, the last album she bought was the new Godspeed You! Black Emperor LP which I bought too, the album shes listening to most at the moment is Eddie Vedder's Into The Wild OST which Last.FM tells me is my third most played, and she likes Electric Wizard, Cult of Luna and plenty of other awesome bands I don't often get to talk to people about), we both have just one, older sibling, we both lost a friend this year under the same circumstances, we both think Stephen Fry is pretty much the greatest man on Earth and talking to her felt very comfortable, as if I were talking to someone I have known my entire life.

We talked throughout the night until the reception was over then we went to her hotel room and we stayed up all night and talked into the early morning. She seems rather spontaneous, which I also like, and around 5am she told me to take her somewhere important to me. I didn't really know how to react at first but after a few seconds contemplation I took her here, as it is a place I used to go to occasionally when I was younger and wanted to be alone. It was obviously bloody freezing so we took some blankets and walked up and sat at the monument which, in the daybreak, has a much more attractive view than I had realised, and listened to some music, looked at the stars and talked some more.

Afterwards we went for a walk and ducked into a nearby pub for a drink and by this time it was noon and she had to leave. I saw her into a taxi and she went to spend a few more hours with her family before she leaves because, as incredible a person as she seems, she was born here but now lives in Germany and says she has no plans to come back.

Now I'm left with the strangest feeling because I'm talking about someone I saw for the very first time less than 48 hours ago and someone I have only really known for less than 24 hours, yet it kinda feels like I've been kicked in the gut.

Last.FM | Echoes and Dust
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Old 11-11-2012, 01:17 PM   #21282 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post the entire Criterion Collection?

Update: Hulu Signs Up Entire Criterion Collection for Hulu Plus | News & Opinion |

Hulu and its Hulu Plus service nabbed a key piece of content on Tuesday, as the Criterion Collection committed to bringing 150 of its films to the service, with a total of 800 due in the coming months.

The Hulu-Criterion partnership is an exclusive deal; the Criterion films will move off of rival Netflix's online Watch Instant service as their licenses expire, a Hulu spokeswoman said.
I just ****ed my pants. Literally. There is movie **** in my pants. Here are titles available now...

In the Realm of the Senses
La Jetee
The Seventh Seal
My Life as a Dog
Seven Samurai
Hoop Dreams
Belle De Jour
Most of Charlie Chaplin's films
The 400 Blows
Paris, Texas
Wings of Desire

I could go on. I'm seriously so ****ing happy right now it's unreal. The 49ers could get blown out 50-0 and I'd still have a huge grin on my face.

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Old 11-11-2012, 02:06 PM   #21283 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post

Update: Hulu Signs Up Entire Criterion Collection for Hulu Plus | News & Opinion |

I just ****ed my pants. Literally. There is movie **** in my pants. Here are titles available now...

In the Realm of the Senses
La Jetee
The Seventh Seal
My Life as a Dog
Seven Samurai
Hoop Dreams
Belle De Jour
Most of Charlie Chaplin's films
The 400 Blows
Paris, Texas
Wings of Desire

I could go on. I'm seriously so ****ing happy right now it's unreal. The 49ers could get blown out 50-0 and I'd still have a huge grin on my face.
Dude this is awesome. MUST DOWNLOAD
Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy View Post
I love how you edited your post to officially out me out of the closet?" It's like you asked yourself if you were a big enough cunt in the post, concluded that you weren't, and added it in to satisfy your postly cunt quota
Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
I converted to Islam today.

Allah Supreme.
A Love Supreme.
Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle View Post
saw LeBron James downtown but then I realized I'm just racist
The Best Collection You'll See Today
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Old 11-11-2012, 03:22 PM   #21284 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Slow Groove View Post
To add on from earlier,

I went downtown cause their was a bike show. Pretty cool stuff. Also I went with the girl I've been crushing on since freshman year (3 years ago) and I asked her out tonight and she said yes. After an awesome make-out session. The Groove's a taken man, finally.
How cool! Have fun on your date.
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Old 11-11-2012, 03:32 PM   #21285 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post
I just signed up for Hulu Plus even though I have Netflix. Why? ****ing instant streaming criterion collection. I. Am. In. Heaven.
I've been contemplating doing this myself.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 11-11-2012, 03:53 PM   #21286 (permalink)
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Saw Skyfall, wasn't exactly the groundbreaking Bond film everyone's feeding down eachother's throat, but it was still solid.

Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy View Post
I love how you edited your post to officially out me out of the closet?" It's like you asked yourself if you were a big enough cunt in the post, concluded that you weren't, and added it in to satisfy your postly cunt quota
Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
I converted to Islam today.

Allah Supreme.
A Love Supreme.
Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle View Post
saw LeBron James downtown but then I realized I'm just racist
The Best Collection You'll See Today
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Old 11-11-2012, 05:44 PM   #21287 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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In bed, 2:30 AM when suddenly BEEP! I shrug, wonder what that is, then a few seconds later BEEP! again. I begin to wonder more intensely. BEEP! again. Damn it! I get out of bed, look out the window. Is it outside? Is it coming from the brand new extension built in the garden? Doesn't seem to be. Crap I think, better go look. BEEP!

So down I go, freezing as I'm not exactly fully dressed, and stare into the face of a blinking light on one of our (also brand new) smoke alarms. FFS ! I think, the damn thing's batteries must be running down! Eff it!


Simple, you say. So what? Take the batteries out and gtf back to bed. Ah, if only!

These are NEW style alarms and they apparently run off the mains. So I think, maybe it has a backup battery and THAT's what beeping. Oh yeah, by the way, BEEP! So I go looking for the instruction booklet that came with the alarms (we had about seven fitted, council rules apparently). It's really detailed, and this is now edging to 3AM, I'm still freezing, and my sister is moaning that she can't sleep. Just take the battery out, she says, as I try to calmly explain that's not how it works.


So I read that you can take the cover off the thing, but you MUST shut off mains power first. Now, I can't just hit the main switch, because my sister's orthopaedic bed and mattress both run on electricity, and cut the power to either and she's in trouble, specially the mattress as it instantly begins to deflate.


**** this, I think. I can't do this at three in the morning, and tell her so and go back to bed.


Not in there too long when my conscience gets to me and I say FI got to try this again. So I do. I get back up and trip every major switch I can, nothing doing.


I get her a set of earplugs, tell her we'll have to ride it out and I go back to bed.


Next morning (THIS morning; it's Sunday) I ring the council guy who luckily is at home and says he'll come out to sort it for me. He comes out and takes the alarm apart (WITHOUT shutting off the mains, but how was I to know?) and yet the thing STILL won't shut up!


Confused, I notice that the beeping doesn't sound like it's coming from directly above me if I stand under the alarm. No, it's more like ... over here .. at the kitchen window...


I look on the sill and lo and behold! An old carbon monoxide alarm I forgot all about is beeping! I take out the batteries and silence!

Boy was my face red! And I could have sorted that last night had I known, but tunnel vision, y'know? I was sure it was the alarm on the ceiling.
That one's going in the bin tomorrow!
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Old 11-11-2012, 05:46 PM   #21288 (permalink) to hear...
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Spent most of yesterday cutting some plywood and styrofoam insulation to put in the ground windows of the house I'm living in. A little ghetto looking, but it will help keep the basement warm, and considering I live in the basement I'm okay with that. Going to spend some time today insulating some of the cracks around the basement walls and putting up that plastic stuff over the windows in the dining and living room. My first winter without a furnace is going to be an interesting one... or I'll just break down, pay a repair man to repair the heater, and get my landlord to reimburse me.
^ I used to do that in the winter; put up clear plastic sheets about half a millimetre thick to acheive a kind of poor-man`s double glazing. Unfortunately, although it presumably helped, the apartment stayed bitterly cold - I`d recommend ringing that repair man !
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:17 PM   #21289 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I look on the sill and lo and behold! An old carbon monoxide alarm I forgot all about is beeping! I take out the batteries and silence!

Boy was my face red! And I could have sorted that last night had I known, but tunnel vision, y'know? I was sure it was the alarm on the ceiling.
That one's going in the bin tomorrow!
Oh that's happened here too! Make sure you get a new one!
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:20 PM   #21290 (permalink)
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
I just had the most amazing day. I just had a day much like, I believe it was Rezz, posted about a little while back.

I had two wedding parties to go to this weekend. There was a girl I got talking to at the first one, briefly, then she had to leave early. I turned up for the second one and I noticed her there as well. This was quite strange considering the people getting married are not mutual friends, they don't know each other, and so I wasn't going with the same circle of friends to each party. Anyway, I got talking to her again and never have I felt such an instant connection to someone before.

That may sound rather silly, I don't know, and I don't mean to appear naive or that *I am exaggerating anything but basically, I don't often make connections with people I meet and so this kind of shocked me. I don't know if I have or even buy into the theory of a "dream girl" but I've got to say that if you forced me to list some qualities she would have, this girl I met would tick rather a lot of these boxes. Neither of us knew many people there so we quickly attached ourselves to each other and began talking and I don't think I have ever learned so much about someone so quickly before.

She has a fantastic sense of humour that she said has often landed her in trouble when people don't know she's joking (something I know a lot about), loves football and spent a good ten minutes explaining to me why my team are doing so poorly this season, loves music and plenty of heavy metal (her favourite bands are Isis and Neurosis, the last album she bought was the new Godspeed You! Black Emperor LP which I bought too, the album shes listening to most at the moment is Eddie Vedder's Into The Wild OST which Last.FM tells me is my third most played, and she likes Electric Wizard, Cult of Luna and plenty of other awesome bands I don't often get to talk to people about), we both have just one, older sibling, we both lost a friend this year under the same circumstances, we both think Stephen Fry is pretty much the greatest man on Earth and talking to her felt very comfortable, as if I were talking to someone I have known my entire life.

We talked throughout the night until the reception was over then we went to her hotel room and we stayed up all night and talked into the early morning. She seems rather spontaneous, which I also like, and around 5am she told me to take her somewhere important to me. I didn't really know how to react at first but after a few seconds contemplation I took her here, as it is a place I used to go to occasionally when I was younger and wanted to be alone. It was obviously bloody freezing so we took some blankets and walked up and sat at the monument which, in the daybreak, has a much more attractive view than I had realised, and listened to some music, looked at the stars and talked some more.

Afterwards we went for a walk and ducked into a nearby pub for a drink and by this time it was noon and she had to leave. I saw her into a taxi and she went to spend a few more hours with her family before she leaves because, as incredible a person as she seems, she was born here but now lives in Germany and says she has no plans to come back.

Now I'm left with the strangest feeling because I'm talking about someone I saw for the very first time less than 48 hours ago and someone I have only really known for less than 24 hours, yet it kinda feels like I've been kicked in the gut.
Ah man, that is the worst!
Welp, time to move to Germany then.
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